As the scorching summer days are approaching fast, I take this responsibility of educating my students and dear parents on the need of proper water intake and create awareness on the consequences of un-necessary consumption of WATER RESOURCES.
Water is the foundation of our existence. The human body needs water for the day to day survival. Moreover, our body itself comprises of 70% water. This, in turn, helps our body to function normally.
Thus, the lack of sufficient water or consumption of contaminated water can cause serious health problems for humans. Therefore, the amount and quality of water which we consume is essential for our physical health plus fitness. It is said that every human being should consume at least 8 liters of water to keep hydrated.
Further, our daily activities are incomplete without water. Whether we talk about getting up in the morning to brush or cooking our food, it is equally important. If we look beyond human uses, we will realize how water plays a major role in every living beings life. It is the home of aquatic animals..
Therefore, we see how not only human beings but plants and animals too require water. The earth depends on water to function. We cannot be selfish and use it up for our uses without caring about the environment.
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A world without water
Water is not only required for our survival but for a healthy and happy life as well. Everyone has seen the scenario of water-deprived countries like Africa, where citizens are leading a miserable life. It is time for everyone to wake up and realize the urgency of conserving water. Water is the basic necessity for the functioning of all life forms that exist on earth. It is safe to say that water is the reason behind earth being the only planet to support life. This universal solvent is one of the major resources we have on this planet. It is impossible for life to function without water.
In other words, a world without water would make the human race impossible to last. The same can be said for all the animals and plants. In fact, the whole earth will suffer without water.
Firstly, the greenery will soon diminish. When earth won’t get water, all the vegetation will die and turn into barren land. The occurrence of different seasons will soon cease. The earth will be caught in one big endless summer. All forms of living organisms will go extinct if we do not conserve water right away.
In conclusion, unnecessary usage of water must be stopped at once. Every single person must work to conserve water and restore the balance. If not, we all know what the consequences are going to be.