Hunter Road (Greenwood High School) : To remove the darkness of ignorance within us and replace it with the light of hope and knowledge instead. The festival of lights came alive at The Greenwood High School on 22ndOctober 2022, when the pre primary and the primary school wore a festive look with children wearing colourful dresses.

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The Program began as the Dignitaries were invited on the stage. Welcome was given to them by the children.
We started the main event with the Prayer led by the LKG children, followed by speeches and slogan by UKG children.
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Whats a program with a little dance and music. The first dance performed was done by the kids of nursery and pre-primary. Following by a musical song from UKG.

Students of Grade 1st and 2nd came up with heart felt Slogan on Diwali and kept the enthusiasm on the students awake.
A dance performance was done by grade 1st children.

A very interesting story was told by Adity on the festival Diwali. Followed by an amazing footwork of Grade 2 children.
To help the younger one learn a drama was performed by the senior primary students of Grade 4th and 5th so help the others learn the Value of Diwali.

Lastly a Dance was performed by Grade 3rd and 5th students.
The function conclude with a message by School principal Ms.Manjula Rani,who offered her warm wishes to the children and reiterated that children should celebrate a pollution free Diwali and if they want to burn the crackers ,only few they can that to in the presence of the elders only.

Nice maintain principal mam and naidu sir with our greenwood team