Greenwood Group of Schools @ Hunter Road
Morning assembly is a part of every school life. Children come together for the prayer and see different informative acts done by one respective class.

Greenwood assemblies are unique in their own way. Every Thursday the school cabinet comes together to show their leadership quality and help the students learn some values with fun.
Today (17-11-22) our Director Sir Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu sir had come to the school premises and started the proceeding by hoisting the Indian Flag, everyone gave a salute and sang the national song to respect the flag. It was follow by our Head-girl hoisting the school flag and then Ruby president hoisting the Ruby flag.
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Word of encouragement were given by the head-girl as the mid term exams are approaching.
Good thought with its meaning made the day whole lot better.
A lot of activities were held in Greenwood in the past month. In presence of Director Sir, we took the opportunity to reward the students who did their best and appealed themselves throughout the activities held in school.

First English Club activity ( class 7) winner were announced and certificate were given,
1st and 2nd prize were crowned to students of 7th Bose who showcased their amazing acting skills.
Science Club activity (class 8) winners were announced and certificates were given,
1st prize – 8th Newton
2nd prize – 8th Ramanujan
Coming to the big event GIST. To encourage all the young minds, not one or two but multiple certificates were given to students from Each category of Science.

Students were joyful and decides to Move Heaven and Earth for the upcoming events.
Coming to the finale, certificates were given to NCC. National Cadet Corps students, who went to the CATC (Combine Annual Training Camp – IX) in the month of November.

Director sir expressed his thoughts and appreciated all the students for their achievements. He also motivated all the other students To Come Off With Flying Colours in the upcoming exams.
(Ms.Rida – Department of English)