Greenwood Group of Schools @ Erragattugutta
Children are the best creation of God. They spread happiness in every season. Post covid, these smiles are evident on the faces of every child at Greenwood High school, Erragattugutta.

To commemorate Pandit Jawaharlal’s Nehru’s birthday, on Nov 14th the Greenwoodians celebrated the day with great vigor and excitement. Another marvelous thing about this day is that “The Winter Sports Carnival 2022” kicked off to a wonderful start. All around the campus, fun and excitement filled the minds of our enthusiastic kids.

The program commenced at 8.45am with the arrival of the chief guest of the day our beloved Director Sri. Dr. Girrem Bharadwaja Naidu.

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He was accompanied by chief Administrative officer Sri A.Prabhu Kumar, Academic principal Sri V.V.V.Naveen Kumar and Administrative Principal Sri T.Pavan Kumar. A warm welcoming and ushering ceremony followed thereafter Our school Head girl – K. Jashmitha and Head boy L. Karthik officially welcomed the guests to the ceremony. Sports captains B. Anirudh Sharma and K. Reethu Patel lead the chief guests to the dais with the accomplishment of NCC students, Marching squadrons. Children’s with dumbbells, Hoops and lezims added color to the March.

Later, the program was officially opened by offering prayers to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Our Director Sir hoisted the National Flag and the winter sports carnival Flag. A colorful and vibrant March past of all the 4 houses captains, Agni House Captains – Mr. G. Abhiram and Ms. J. Bhuvana, Brahmos House Captains – Mr. S. Deekshith and Ms. K. Tirhsika, Prithvi House captains – Mr. A. Sudeep and Ms. M. Sanjana and Tirshul House Captains – Mr. K. Stalin and Ms. R. Sai Srujitha, Sports and games participant students with their mentors followed by children with dumbbells,lezims and hoops added much color to the March past during the guard of honor.

Our Director Sir later released the winter sports carnival poster and the schedule of the sports carnival. A white dove representing peace, freedom and love was released soaring into the sky. With the lightning of the torch, the winter sports carnival was officially inaugurated. The dumbbells drill by the boys, lezim dance by the girls and the hoops performance by the students excited the entire audience who kept applauding throughout. This was followed by Prize Distribution.
Class – IV B. Pranith
Class – V R. Kushi
Class – VII V. Yashwanth
Class – VIII S. Anvesh Chandra Reddy
Class – IX K. Maniteja
Class – X M. Rea
Class – X V. Srivardhan

Class – IV D. Devansh
Class – V Ch. Sai Manaswith
Class – VI J. Sriram Reddy
Class – VII E. Pranathi
Class – VIII K. Aditya Raman
Class – IX E. Pooja Sri
Class – X G. Jashwanth

Class – IV P. Atharva
Class – V S. Vishwateja
Class – VI N. Sidda Laxman Reddy
Class – VII J. Nandishwar
Class – VIII T. Akshara and K. Adithya
Class – IX J. Pallavi and K. Prasanth
Class – X M. Hansika, Aman Thakur and M. Nishindra

A fun filled volley ball match was officially declared open with the chief guest Sri Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu being introduced to the teams. This was followed by volley ball and throw ball matches for boys and girls. There was an air of relief evident on the faces of all our kids. The winter sports carnival will extend to the whole week from 14-11-2022 to 19-11-2022, where we would be witnessing some neck to neck races and breaking of records. A variety of children’s day programs like skits, dances and speeches added much vigor to the day. A Hindi skit presented by the primary students kept the audience filled with laughter. On the whole everything in Greenwood is fun filled vibrant and at the same time educative.