Greenwood Group of Schools
CBSE Board Exam 2023 Datesheet Updates, Download CBSE 2023 Time-Table Live at The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Thursday released the date sheet for the 2023 board exams. The detailed board sheet is now available at the official CBSE website —

According to the official notification, the CBSE board exams 2023 for class 10 will commence from February 15, 2023 and conclude on March 21, 2023. Similarly, class 12 board exams will take place between February 15, 2023 and April 5, 2023. Exams will begin at 10:30 am. Most exams will be of three hours duration and conclude at 1:30 pm, while some will be of two hours duration and conclude at 12:30 pm.

From the Director’s Desk…

My warm wishes to you. I want to suggest you how to utilize our REVISION PROGRAM to get maximum benefits.
I feel that no one in this world is born without intelligence.
God has given every one the same composition of mind. It depends on you how to utilize it for your success.
If you have a definite target in life, you can easily collect all your
powers and focus them on that goal.
If you remain determined for your goal, just like the pole star, you would not be affected by any challenges or struggle of your life. If you become a pole star, your future generations would respect you and follow in your footsteps.
The famous English poet, Robert Frost, has written a poem. I would like to quote some lines here to focus more on that topic
Woods are lovely, dark and deep,
And I’ve promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Here, the line “And miles to go before I sleep” has been repeated.
This is an emphasis on the self-determination and strong resolution of a person who wants to do a lot before he sleeps (dies).
You are self-illuminated, just like the Sun. You possess fuel in the form of energy and wick in the form of willpower. Then, which power can stop you from getting lighted up or move towards your goal?
You keep sharpening your willpower and caliber at all points of time. Learn to trust yourself. You possess unlimited powers within you. Do not let your self-confidence go down. Keep yourself enlightened and aware;
if you do so on a consistent basis, no one can stop you from succeeding.
The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling and
the next best thing is to know that you are the reason behind that smile.
Most of the students are functionally very strong and behaviorally very weak and often their reason for failure is not lack of knowledge or hard work but lack of motivation and positive attitude. And for you to have positive attitude towards your preparation, it is very important to answer the following question.
” Why am I studying” ?
Every task should have a sense of purpose or motive behind it.
So, first define the purpose whether
- it is your passion
- to make your parents happy
- or something else.
Some important tips to follow :
# Results of a survey said that the difference between topper and slow learner is not much in terms of subject knowledge, intelligence or hard work, but the major difference is in terms of study techniques and approach towards exam.
# You should possess a great determination so that you are ready to quit (sacrifice) the most important things you like. (Watching movies or chatting with friends or something else)
# Have concrete faith in you. You are what your thoughts are. If you think you can, then you can.
Small Tip: To achieve this state of mind, stop speaking negative about anyone or anything and see the magical power of your brain.
To get benefit in revision plan :
# Though we give a revision plan, every student must plan again in that according to his/her abilities. Suppose if you are given 2 hours for Social, then you should preplan how and what to study in that given time.
# Analyze yourself daily in the night whether you prepared the whole day as you wished. If not, then list out the mistakes made by you like chatting with friends, wasting time, not taking care of health etc. and plan accordingly how to rectify them the next day.
# Write your purpose in a book to excel in exams and read that daily at least once.
# Teachers are there to guide and support you. So, you should not hesitate to ask them even a single thing which obstructs your growth.
# This is exclusively for those who struggle to pass in the exams. Follow the
instructions given by your teachers sincerely. Do not think negatively about
them. They are just to guide you and support you.
# Suppose if you are good at Maths then give more time for preparing other subjects.
Mindset before writing an exam.
# Say to yourself before writing every exam that this is the final exam and you should put forth your maximum efforts to excel in it.
# Don’t forget to revise what you had read so many days before the exam.
# Every exam conducted will show how you have prepared for that exam.
# Your performance in exams indicates your preparation.
# Every exam gives you a chance to rectify yourself before writing the final exam.
What to do after an exam is conducted (or) papers are given back?
Analyze yourself in the following areas.
Have I presented in order ?
- Handwriting
- Neatness
- Mistakes
- Your absolute ( maximum) score.
Plan yourself how to rectify the above .
Write all the mistakes done by you in a book, Inspite of your sincere efforts, you have committed that mistakes. Hence, you should revise every time from then onwards before writing any exam in that chapter.
# Rectification is the only way to develop yourself.
Things to be kept in mind:
# You are going to revise each chapter you have studied only after 2 months. So you have to revise thoroughly now itself so that it takes very less time after 2 months.
# Your daily analysis and performance analysis in exam are going to take you to the expected peaks.
# Never think of any other thing or the persons till you reach your goal.
How to overcome exam tension?
- Speak openly with your friends or teachers about your problem and follow their suggestions.
(Mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open)
- One more suggestion is that it would be better if you get experience before writing the
schedule tests. i.e. ask your friend / teacher to conduct a pretest and analyze not to repeat the mistakes.
Whenever you are not getting out of your problems,
read this once again. You will definitely find a solution.