16/04/2024, Tue
If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” —Steve Jobs
Greenwood High School, Hunter Road had organized the G-Fair on 4th April 2024. This, end of the academic year activity, had brought the best out of our talented students. Showing enthusiasm and zeal the students worked their hands of to present the best projects in varies categories.

Teachers and students from other branches of our school had also attended the events and judges were keen to see the extraordinary and fun projects of our children. As the event proceeded judges took the chance to witness the models and also grade them based of different criteria.
Finally being just one step away from summer vacations, we took the final days of the session in account to appreciate the students, who participated in the G-Fair and congratulate those who won the prizes.
Our Beloved Director Dr.G.Bharadwaja Naidu sir, GM-Mr. A. Prabhu Kumar sir, Principal Manjula Mam, Vice Principal Mahender sir and ACOs Harshavardhan and Srikanth sir graced the dais with their presence to congratulate the students.
Prize Distribution Photos :

The list of winners is as follows :

Dear Parents, Admissions are open for 2024-25