Greenwood Innovations in Science and Technology

Greenwood high school,  Hunter Road Day Campus organized GIST – 2022 (Greenwood Innovations in Science and Technology) on 30th Aug 2022 (Tuesday).

  • For better conduction of the fair the themes have been identified and allocated to guide teachers to oversee the preparations.
  • The themes and guide teachersare as follows.
  1. Fun with Science – Mrs. Shailaja Reddy
  2. Science in Daily Life – Mrs. Nasreen
  3. Little Toys and big Science – Mr. Pradeep
  4. Fun with Indicators  – Mr. Ramesh
  5. Marvelous magnetics – Mr. Dharmadev
  6. Wing of Anatomy – Mrs. Shahida
  • In all across the themes and subjects 90 projects have been exhibited that day. It would not have been possible without unwavering support of the director sir and the school management. Science department is thankful for that.
  • As a part of school level Idea sharing competition, in our GIST – 2022, Director Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu sir and dignitaries including their District Science officer Srinivas Sir and District Co-ordinator Kiran sir gave their feedback and suggestions to our junior scientists, who made our program successful.

1 thought on “Greenwood Innovations in Science and Technology”

  1. Feeling proud to be part of science fair and as a Guide teacher for Marvelous magnetics.
    I thank my management for giving such opportunity. I Heartily congratulate our children who made this event grand success.

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