#Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy,
National cadet corps training does involve adventure activities such as Rock climbing, Parasailing,Paragliding,Mountaineering and trekking.
These are included to provide cadets an opportunity to learn adventure sports and move them out of their fear of adventure.
In this regard the NCC conducts 8 camps on Rock climbing. 4 of them are at Gwalior and the other 4 at Pitogarh Army Public school, Uttarakand.
These camps are held every year in the months of November and December.Giving training to nearly 1090 cadets.
This year the Gwalior camp was from 15 November to 26th November. This was attended by CADET G.HARSHITH of class 9th.
He has been appreciated for the interest shown by the Principals, both Academic and Administration, V.V.V. Naveen kumar and T.Pavan kumar.
The Director Sri. Dr.G. Bharadwaja Naidu appreciated the cadet and observed that adventure activities do have a positive aspect in learning as it develops in the climber good memory as well as perceptual ability to solve problems.
The Commanding officer of 10(T)Bn. NCC. Warangal appreciated the effort of the cadet.He felt that the goal of NCC to impart life skiĺls in the youth would be achieved through the activities of such order.