Did you know that books of laws existed in ancient India too?
The concept of Democracy and republics are often considered as Western imports.
To understand, let’s recollect a known story, Once upon a time there lived a king called raja Bhoj. He found a Throne that belongs Raja Vikramaditya; it was made up of Gold with 32 wooden statues. The king wanted to sit on the throne but he couldn’t, every time he tried, a statue from that 32 came into live and stops him to listen to a story about the glory of the king Vikramaditya. Every statue told a different story but ended with the same question, “ARE YOU WORTHY ENOUGH TO SIT ON THE THRONE OF THE GREAT KING Vikramaditya?” and Raja Bhoj’s answer was, “NO, I AM NOT WORTHY ENOUGH OF SITTING ON THIS THRONE. Finally the statues got impressed by the humility of Raja Bhoj and blessed him and let him sit on that throne.

This story might be familiar for almost all of us. The book of these 32 stories wasn’t just a story book, is a book of guide lines, a book of laws.
Very recently we have celebrated our Republic Day – the day our constitution came into force. Being Indians it is very important to know that books of laws or the constitution existed in ancient India. But many of us are in this misconception that Constitution is a western concept.
Our history infact full of such stories and texts. Centuries ago the concept of Democracy existed in India.
Our honourable Prime minister, Mr.Narendra Modi calls India as the mother of Democracy.
Here I would like to recall the books of laws and constitutions from our ancient India.
Since the Vedic period we had institutions like central Assemblies to check the power of the king. Books like Rigved and Chandogya Upanishad, talks about those rules. Those assemblies are of two, the Samiti, representing the whole tribe and the Sabha, with distinguished members are just like the Upper and the Lower houses of the Parliament of today.
The Mahabharat represents GANA rajya – the meaning of Republic.
We usually think that Grease is the birth place of Democracy. But the Greek records talk about the republics in ancient India.
Be proud being an Indian especially when we are living under the influence of western culture. Let’s educate our young generation about the values of our ancient culture so that they would prefer to settle in Indian rather than flying away from Indian. Let us save our intellectual young generation from falling a pray to western world.
You have not told anything about our Constitution of India which is giving equal rights to men and women irrespective of caste , religion etc ,but simply you telling the mythic story where in ancient time in which no equal rights ,lots of inhumane activities were existing among the human beings,I don’t understand what you are imparting in the minds of the young generation….You titled your narration with title “Story Of Indian Constitution” where you have not expressed any thing about the modern Constitution even about the architect of the Constitution….
Excellent and timely write up. It’s high time we educate our children about our glorious ancient history.
Excellent idea to make our child know about our history.
It is very useful article. We should make our children to learn and understand about our culture and history. Future generations should understand about the value of their mother land .
Worthy article….We should teach all our children about the importance of democracy and educate them about the values of ancient culture.
Worthy article….We should teach all our children about the importance of democracy and educate them about the values of ancient culture.
Good idea,and it’s our responsibility to make our children to know about our history.
Making children to know about our Indian history through stories is an excellent Idea.
Teaching the students about our Constitution with the stories like these make them to be interested and it’s a Great thing!!
It is wonderful explanation about our great Indian constitution by connecting our history.
Introducing ancient stories to these generation is geat idea to turn their eyes to ancient India .
It is necessary to know every child about constitution.This story is a best example.
I feel great for this great idea of making children to know about our history
It is very useful article. We should make our children to learn and understand about our culture and history. Future generations should understand about the value of their mother land .
Excellent article.
As a teacher we should clear misconceptions about our constitution through historical stories in the minds of young generation.
I feel great for this idea of making children know about our history
Great idea very important article
Good idea and we also train up our children in the beginning about the God given an ancient culture and democracy.
This idea of explaining the history and culture to the future citizens is an excellent idea. We can educate future citizens about our culture.
This idea of explaining the history and culture through storie is an excellent idea.m