“Mathematics Day” in Abhyaas The Global School

The National Mathematics Day is celebrated annually on December 22 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Born in 1887 in Erode, Tamil Nadu, Ramanujan had almost no formal training in pure mathematics.

While Ramanujan passed away at the mere age of 32 (in 1920), it was years later that the Government of India decided to celebrate his birth anniversary in the form of National Mathematics Day.

In 2012, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared December 22 as National Mathematics Day, and the year 2012 was also termed and celebrated as the National Mathematics Year.

The aim of celebrating this day is to highlight the achievements of Srinivasa Ramanujan and to stress on the idea that having formal and high-end educational training is not the only way to achieve great accomplishments. Like Ramanujan, many children are motivated to go beyond textbooks and engage in critical thinking and logical reasoning.

To celebrate National Mathematics Day, schools and colleges hold competitions, Olympiads and other educational events. The Mathematics Department at Abhyaas the global school loves to do things differently by thinking out of the box. The Mathematics teachers believe in Nelson Mandela’s famous quotation, ‘It always seems impossible until it is done’.

The day began with a special assembly which set the stage for an action filled day. The regular assembly proceedings were modified to suit the occasion so much that even the Indian Pledge was modified to suit the subject Mathematics.

Tiny Abhyaasians of Grade I performed a dance number, ‘Maths is The Queen of Sciences’ to explain about the different signs used in Maths, while the little ones of Grade II enthusiastically performed  to the tune of the song ‘We Are Shapes’ by displaying the different geometric shapes.

Dynamic children across Grades III to IX showcased their talents in front of parents, teachers and fellow students.

Grade III students displayed projects explaining about Place Value, Time, The four Mathematical operations, Ascending and Descending order, Odd and Even numbers and about Successors and Predecessors.

Students of Grade IV enthralled their audience with their projects explaining about the nuances of Fractions, 2-D Shapes and their properties, Clocks, Perimeter of Polygons, LCM and HCF, Months of the Year and about Weekdays.

Students of Grade V display their projects explaining about different Types of Angles, Types of Fractions, Nets, 3-D Shapes, Measurement of Length and 3-D Shapes using matchsticks.

Children from Grade VI captured the hearts of one and all with their projects explaining Squares and Cubes, Lines and Angles, Types of Triangles and LCM and HCF.

Children of Grades VIII and IX showcased their projects explaining Real Numbers and 2D, 3D City.

Many enthusiastic students, eagerly listened to the explanations given about each project and how it works while others participated wholeheartedly in games involving Mathematics in daily life.

Students across Grades VI to IX enthralled their audience with numerous games including decimals, integers and roman numbers, quizzes, puzzles, riddles, fun with balloons, memory games with shapes, Tangram Puzzle, Puzzles with icecream sticks to name a few of them.

Both the projects as well as the games captivated the hearts and minds of teachers, students and their parents. All this was possible only because of the tireless, dynamic and multifaceted Coordinator Mrs. Prasanna and her Mathematics team. Kudos to all of them.

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