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Parents are the greatest gifts of God to their young ones.

Abhinav Valaboju of class -5 sharing his opinion about Value of Parents in our life.

Parents play a crucial role in everyone’s life, offering unconditional love, support, and guidance. Here are some key reasons why parents are so important:

Parents provide emotional stability, comfort, and a sense of security. Their presence helps children navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Parents offer valuable life lessons and guidance based on their own experiences, helping children make informed decisions and develop strong moral values.

The love of parents is often unconditional, offering acceptance and encouragement regardless of circumstances. This love forms the foundation of a child’s self-esteem and confidence.

Parents ensure their children’s basic needs—food, shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare—are met, providing a stable environment for growth and development.

Parents serve as role models, influencing their children’s behavior, attitudes, and values. They demonstrate how to navigate relationships, work ethic, and responsibilities.

Parents pass down cultural, religious, and ethical values, helping children understand their heritage and develop a sense of identity and belonging.

In times of crisis or difficulty, parents often act as a reliable support system, offering practical help, advice, and emotional support.

Parents are indeed a precious gift and blessing, often regarded as the first and foremost guides in a child’s life. Their love and sacrifices lay the foundation for a peaceful, happy, and fulfilling life.

Greenwood High School Gopalpur

Parents are the greatest gifts of God to their young ones. Read More »

FUN DAY @ Greenwood Hunter Road

The laughter of children echoes through the corridors as they eagerly anticipate another exciting Fun day at school. For primary school students, these special days are more than just a break from routine—they are opportunities for learning, bonding, and creating lasting memories. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, here are some delightful activities….

Imagine a classroom buzzing with excitement as students embark on a journey into the world of art, guided not by sight but by imagination and touch. This unique Fun day activity celebrates the creativity and resilience of blind artists, offering primary school children a chance to experience art through a different lens.

Story writing is a magical journey  where imagination meets creativity, and for fifth graders, it’s an exciting opportunity to explore new worlds, characters, and adventures

In today’s world, understanding the impact of plastic waste is crucial for our environment. For grade 3 students, learning about plastic waste management can be both educational and empowering.

Save Soil, Save Earth – A Cultural Activity by 3rd rose students Understanding the importance of soil conservation is crucial for young learners to appreciate the Earth’s natural resources and their role in sustaining life.

Thank you all for joining us in celebrating “Our Land, Our Future.” Together, let us create a future where cultural diversity is celebrated, cherished, and woven into the fabric of our everyday lives.

Sudoku, a puzzle that has captivated minds around the world, is not just for adults! Even primary school children can enjoy and benefit from this engaging game of numbers. In today’s article, we delve into why Sudoku is more than just a puzzle—it’s a fantastic way for young minds to develop critical thinking skills and have fun at the same time.

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Importance of Eco- friendly environment

Here is Sai Chethan of Class -5 sharing the importance of Eco friendly environment in our life

*An eco-friendly environment prioritizes practices that reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote sustainability. This involves using renewable energy sources, recycling, reducing waste, and protecting natural habitats. By adopting eco-friendly practices, we can improve air and water quality, mitigate climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure that resources are available for future generations. An eco-friendly environment not only benefits the planet but also enhances human health and well-being, supporting a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Greenwood, Gopalpur

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From Ballot Boxes to Victory: The Greenwood Head Boy and Head Girl Election Results

The counting of votes represents the final phase of any election process, and the Greenwood Head Boy and Head Girl Elections 2024-25 were no exception. After students, staff, and faculty cast their votes on Election Day, July 8, 2024, anticipation filled the air as everyone awaited the results.

  • Date and Preparations: Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, our Director and Chief Election Commissioner, scheduled the counting for July 10, 2024. A dedicated counting center was established within the school premises.
  • Counting Officers: Teachers served as counting officers, adhering to procedures aligned with the directives. Returning Officer Sri. Satheesan Achari oversaw the entire process, with candidates and their agents present.
  • Ceremonial Procession: A ceremonial procession brought sealed ballot boxes from a secure location to the counting hall. Director and Chief Election Commissioner Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, Chief Intelligence Officer Sri. A. Prabhu Kumar, Principal Secretaries Sri. V.V.V Naveen Kumar, Sri. T. Pavan Kumar, Sri. V. Suresh Kumar (Chief Observer), Smt. P. Kanthi (Observer) Election Commissioners, Presiding Officers, Observers, Chief Security Officers, and the contested candidates.
  • Votes Organized: At separate counting tables for boys and girls, the sealed ballot boxes were opened, and votes were organized into bundles of fifty. A total of 1489 votes were cast, including staff votes (1058 boys’ votes and 431 girls’ votes).

  • K. Adithya Raman (TREE Symbol) secured victory by a margin of 40 votes over T. Siddartha Goud (GRADUATION HAT Symbol).
TOTAL VOTES polled – 1058


  • S. Sonashree (GRADUATION HAT Symbol) emerged victorious with a margin of 45 votes over K. Mayuka (TREE Symbol).

Electrifying Atmosphere

  • The campus buzzed with excitement during the counting rounds. Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu announced results at each stage, drawing cheers from supporters as their preferred candidates took the lead.

Announcement and Certificate Award for Head Boy and Head Girl Elections 2024-25

After the winners were officially declared by Director and Chief Election Commissioner Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, a special ceremony followed. The newly elected Head Boy, K. Adithya Raman, and Head Girl, S. Sonashree, received their winning certificates. They addressed the gathering, sharing their vision and plans for the upcoming academic year. A joyful photo session captured the moment, and celebrations continued.

Commentary and Transparency


  • The Director, General Manager, and Academic and Administrative Principals commended staff and students for their active participation.
  • Special recognition was given to key individuals, including Mr. Satheesan Achari (Returning Officer), Mr. Ranjit Behara (Election Commissioner), Mr. B. Sandeep Reddy (Election Commissioner) and Mr. P. Rambabu. Mr. Satheesan Achari, Head of the Social Department took the lead in conducting the elections in a smooth and fair manner.
  • NCC ANO First Officer Mr. S. Radha Krishnan and Mr. Prem Chandra Sekhar received appreciation for their security arrangements.

A Valuable Learning Experience

This election provided students with a practical understanding of the Indian voting system.

Report by: G. Krishna Rao (English Department)

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The Infinite Value of Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse

Our planet is facing many environmental problems. One way to help is by following the three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. These three actions can make a big difference in saving our natural resources and protecting the Earth. In this essay, we will learn about the importance of reducing, recycling, and reusing, and how we can apply them in our daily lives.

The first step is to reduce. This means using fewer resources and creating less waste. For example, we can reduce the amount of water we use by turning off the tap while brushing our teeth.

We can also reduce electricity use by switching off lights when we leave a room.

Another way to reduce is by buying products with less packaging. This helps to decrease the amount of plastic and paper waste.

Reducing helps to conserve resources and reduces pollution.

The second step is to recycle. Recycling means turning waste materials into new products. Many items can be recycled, such as paper, glass, metal, and plastic. When we recycle, we send these materials to recycling centers where they are processed and made into new items. For example, old newspapers can be recycled to make new paper products.

Recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills and saves energy. It also reduces the need to use new raw materials, which helps to protect natural resources.

The third step is to reuse. Reusing means finding new ways to use old items instead of throwing them away. For example, we can use old jars to store food or small items.

We can also donate clothes and toys that we no longer need to others who can use them.

Reusing items help to reduce waste and saves money. It also encourages creativity as we find new purposes for things we might otherwise discard.

There are many simple ways to practice the three R’s in our everyday lives. To reduce, we can use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones. We can also use a refillable water bottle instead of buying bottled water.

To recycle, we should separate our waste into different bins for paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Many communities have recycling programs that make it easy to recycle. To reuse, we can fix broken items instead of throwing them away.

We can also repurpose old items for new uses, like turning old t-shirts into cleaning rags.

Following the three R’s has many benefits. It helps to protect the environment by reducing pollution and conserving natural resources. It also helps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This is important because landfills can take up valuable land space and can be harmful to the environment. By reducing, recycling, and reusing, we can also save money and create less demand for new products, which can help to reduce the exploitation of natural resources.

Thus, the three R’s—Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse—are important actions that everyone can take to help protect the environment. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference. Reducing the amount of resources we use, recycling materials instead of throwing them away, and finding new ways to reuse old items are all simple steps that can help to create a healthier planet for future generations. Let’s all do our part and practice the three R’s every day!

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Happy World Paper Bag Day

The importance of using paper bags and reusing old T-shirts to prepare bags lies in their environmental benefits and the educational value they offer. Greenwood Gopalpur students participated in a project to create bags from old T-shirts, showcasing a hands-on approach to sustainability.

Here are some key points highlighting the significance of these activities:

Environmental Benefits

  1. Reduction of Plastic Waste: Paper bags and reusable cloth bags reduce the need for plastic bags, which are harmful to the environment and take centuries to decompose.
  2. Resource Conservation: Reusing old T-shirts to make bags extends the life of the fabric and reduces the demand for new materials.
  3. Lower Carbon Footprint: Manufacturing and transporting plastic bags contribute significantly to carbon emissions. Using paper or cloth bags helps lower this impact.

Educational and Social Benefits

  1. Practical Learning: Students gain hands-on experience in crafting and creativity, learning practical skills.
  2. Environmental Awareness: Projects like these teach students about sustainability and the importance of reducing waste.
  3. Community Engagement: Such activities can foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for the environment.

Project Experience

Greenwood Gopalpur students showed great enthusiasm in making bags from old T-shirts. They enjoyed the process and learned valuable lessons about environmental conservation. This activity not only provided them with a creative outlet but also instilled in them a sense of responsibility towards preserving the planet.

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Discipline is key to success

Discipline brings a lot of respect for an individual from others. A disciplined person naturally commands respect due to their self-control and reliability. Bringing discipline into one’s life is a challenging task, and people admire those who manage to achieve it.

Another notable impact of discipline is good health. A disciplined individual maintains a proper schedule for all activities. They have fixed times for eating, sleeping, rising, exercising, and working.

Consequently, these habits contribute to good health and physical fitness.

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Student Council Elections @Greenwood High School: A Manifestation of Democracy!

Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy, has a long-standing tradition of conducting elections for the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl. This practice aligns with CBSE recommendations and provides students with a firsthand experience of democratic principles. The academic year 2024-25 witnessed another successful exercise in democracy.

Announcement: On July 1, 2024, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, the School Director, officially announced the Student Council Election during a special Monday assembly. A team was assigned to ensure a free and fair election.

Nomination Phase: Interested 10th-grade students submitted nominations, resulting in 32 girls and 50 boys participating. A panel of teachers meticulously scrutinized all nominations.

Screening Tests: The process began with Screening Test – 1 (Written Test) on July 1, 2024. Eight girls and Eight boys were shortlisted for the next phase. Screening Test – 2 (Group Discussion) followed on July 3, 2024, determining the final contestants.

Final Candidates: After thorough scrutiny, four boys and four girls were accepted as candidates. Eventually, two boys and two girls remained in the race after others withdrew their nominations.

Candidates Introduction and Campaign

On July 5, 2024, during the School Assembly, the principal Sri. VVV. Naveen Kumar introduced the final candidates and their election symbols to all students.

T. Siddartha Goud (Graduation Hat symbol)

K. Adithya Raman (Tree symbol)

S. Sonasree (Graduation Hat symbol)

K. Mayuka (Tree symbol)

Colorful posters and pocket symbol labels adorned the school. Candidates and their supporters actively engaged with students, presenting their platforms.

Polling Booths and Voting Process: Five polling booths were set up, manned by officials and agents representing the candidates.

Polling began at 09:30 a.m., supervised by NCC cadets and observers. The peaceful process concluded at 3:00 p.m., with sealed ballot boxes moved to the school strong room.

The entire school eagerly awaits the election results, anticipating the new leaders who will lead Greenwood High School in the coming year!

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The Uses of a Library: A Treasure of Knowledge

Libraries are often called treasures of knowledge, and for good reason. They offer countless benefits to individuals and communities. Libraries are more than just buildings filled with books; they are places of learning, discovery, and growth. Here are some of the many uses of a library and why it is considered a treasure of knowledge.

First and foremost, libraries provide access to a vast amount of information. They house books, magazines, newspapers, and digital resources on a wide range of topics. Whether you are a student researching for a school project, a professional looking for information related to your field, or simply someone who loves to read, a library has something for you. This access to information is crucial in a world where knowledge is power.

Libraries also offer a quiet and peaceful environment for reading and studying. In a busy world full of distractions, it can be hard to find a place where you can focus. Libraries provide that sanctuary. They are designed to be quiet spaces where people can concentrate and absorb information without interruption. This makes them ideal for students preparing for exams, writers working on their next piece, or anyone who needs a calm place to think.

Moreover, libraries are great resources for lifelong learning. They offer programs and workshops on various topics, such as computer skills, language learning, and financial literacy. These programs are often free or very affordable, making education accessible to everyone. By attending these programs, people can acquire new skills and knowledge that can improve their personal and professional lives.

In addition to books and programs, libraries often provide access to technology. Many libraries have computers with internet access that patrons can use for free. This is especially important for individuals who do not have access to a computer or the internet at home. By using the library’s technology, they can apply for jobs, complete school assignments, and stay connected with the world.

Libraries also play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community. They are places where people can come together to share ideas, discuss books, and participate in group activities. Many libraries have book clubs, reading groups, and other social events that bring people together. This sense of community is important for building connections and fostering a love of reading and learning.

Furthermore, libraries preserve history and culture. They often have special collections of historical documents, photographs, and artifacts that are valuable resources for researchers and historians. By preserving these materials, libraries help ensure that future generations can learn about and appreciate their heritage.

For children, libraries are magical places that can ignite a lifelong love of reading. Story time sessions, summer reading programs, and children’s book sections make libraries fun and inviting for young readers. Encouraging children to read from a young age is crucial for their development and academic success. Libraries provide the resources and support to help children develop strong reading habits.

In conclusion, libraries are indeed treasures of knowledge. They provide access to vast amounts of information, offer peaceful places for reading and studying, support lifelong learning, provide access to technology, foster a sense of community, preserve history and culture, and ignite a love of reading in children. The uses of a library are numerous and invaluable. By supporting and utilizing libraries, we can enrich our lives and continue to grow as individuals and communities.

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Greenwood High School Art Club: Propelling Creativity and Talent

Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy, has always been committed to nurturing holistic development among its students. One of the ways it achieves this is through its vibrant Art Club. For the academic year 2024-25, the Art Club organized an exciting art competition for students in grades 8 to 10 on July 3, 2024.This event, held under the guidance of the art department, aimed to identify and nurture talented young artists within the school. Let’s delve into the details of this initiative and explore the benefits of having an art club within a school.

The competition was open to both old and new students, providing them with a platform to showcase their artistic talents. Participants expressed themselves through Drawing and Painting. The event was a celebration of creativity, imagination, and skill.Participants will be evaluated based on their creativity, originality, technical skills, and overall presentation.The event was a testament to the school’s commitment to Promoting artistic talent and providing personalized support to help students reach their full potential.

  • Enhancing Creativity :
  1. Art clubs encourage students to think outside the box, experiment with different techniques, and express their unique perspectives.
  2. Creative expression fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation.
  • Building Confidence:
  1. Art competitions allow students to present their work to a wider audience, boosting their self-confidence.
  2. Positive feedback and recognition motivate students to continue exploring their artistic abilities.
  • Stress Relief and Well-Being:
  1. Engaging in art provides an outlet for stress and anxiety.
  2. Creating art can be therapeutic, promoting mental well-being.
  • Community and Collaboration:
  1. Art clubs create a sense of community among students who share a passion for creativity.
  2. Collaborative projects promote teamwork and communication skills
  • Appreciation for Diversity:
  1. Art exposes students to different cultures, styles, and historical periods.
  2. Appreciating diverse art forms fosters cultural awareness and empathy.
  • Integration with Other Subjects:
  1. Art connects with various subjects, such as history, science, and literature.
  2. Cross-disciplinary learning enriches students’ overall education.

Talented students in art require increased stretch and challenge in the classroom and opportunities to further their talents outside school. Therefore, the Art Department at Greenwood High School aims for all students to potentially develop their talents and to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Think and express themselves in creative, original ways.
  • Have a strong desire to create in a visual form driven by ideas, imagination, humor, or personal experience.
  • Show a passionate interest in the world of art and design.
  • Use materials, tools, and techniques skillfully and learn new approaches easily, keen to extend their technical abilities.

Students at Greenwood High School are identified as gifted for a variety of reasons:

  • Performing at an advanced National Curriculum level.
  • Producing outcomes of exceptional quality.
  • Demonstrating excellent skills in a specific area.

Appreciation from the Management

The management of Greenwood High School, including Director Sri. Dr. Girrem Bharadwaja Naidu, General Manager A. Prabhu Kumar, Academic Principal V.V.V. Naveen Kumar, Administrative Principal T. Pavan Kumar, and Art & Craft Teacher Banaja Sahoo, expressed their appreciation for the Art & Craft Department’s efforts in instilling artistic skills among students. They also commended all the Art Club members for their dedication and creativity.

Greenwood High School’s Art Club continues to inspire young artists, providing them with a canvas to explore their imagination. As schools recognize the value of artistic expression, initiatives like these contribute to a well-rounded education. Let creativity flourish, and may the next academic year bring even more colorful masterpieces! By organizing such competitions and supporting art clubs, Greenwood High School continues to create an environment where students can thrive artistically, contributing to their overall development and success.

Reported by : krishna Rao ( English Department )

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Nominations and Scrutinization

The news of The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy’s Student Council Election for Head Girl and Head Boy 2024-25 was announced by School Director Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu on 01-07-2024 in the school Special Monday Assembly.

The Interested Students of class 10 were asked to enroll their names as nominees. Initially, 32 Girls and 50 boys enrolled their names as nominees.

In the process of selection of final contestants for the elections, firstly Screening Test – 1 was conducted for all the enrolled students on 01-07-2024 in the First phase of scrutiny. Screening Test -1 was a written test. 8 Girls and 8 boys were selected for Screening Test – 2.

  1. N. Sai Kumar
  2. K. Adithya Raman
  3. V. Sai Ruthwik Reddy
  4. S. Sushanth
  5. N. Aswith
  6. P. Rajesh
  7. S. Hrushikesh
  8. T. Siddhartha Goud

  1. G. Sahashra
  2. K.Siri
  3. T.Krishi Ashwitha
  4. M.Kruthika Reddy
  5. K. Mayukha
  6. Ch. Anika
  7. E. Lekhya
  8. S. Sonashree

In the second phase of selection, Screening Test – 2 which is a Group Discussion will be conducted on 03-07-2024.

And final contestants will be shortlisted after Screening Test – 2 on 03-07-2024 and they will be announced as final contestants of the Head Boy and Head Girl Elections.

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Student Cabinet Elections 2024-25 @Hunter Road, Warangal

Every year in Greenwood High School, Hunter Road, cabinet elections take place to teach the students how important a vote is to elect a representative. The objective of appointing the Student’ Council is to provide a platform to the students to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. 

In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the Student’ Council is the voice of the student body.  They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.

The nominees of  high school as well as primary  started their campaign on 28th June by appealing with their logo and manifesto to the teachers and students. 

Greenwood High School, Hunter Road has conducted school cabinet elections on 29th June 2024 for high school and on 1st July 2024 for primary students. It was a memorable day for the Greenwoodians as they  have coasted their precious votes which will determine the student representative for the upcoming academic year. 

NCC cadets of our school welcomed our honourable Director Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu sir by starting a march past  to show gratitude towards the ceremony.

The ceremony began with our beloved director sir interacting with the contestants and then casting the first vote followed by our General Manager Prabhu Kumar sir, Principal Manjula mam, ACOs, Srikanth sir, Harshavardhan sir and Sailaja mam.

Finally the voting had begun by the seniors of our school, as they assembled in the assembly hall for casting their votes, followed by the gems of classes 6th – 10thand concluding the voting with the little stars of classes 3rd to 5thwho were eager to elect their representative. The teaching and non teaching staff of the school also played their vital part in selecting the leader.

The results are much awaited by the school.

Here is the list of our Contestants who applied for this position.

(Reported by P. Aashritha and A. Sai Sree Neha from X Newton Under the guidance of Ms. Rida – Department of English )

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Greenwood High School Honors Student Achievements and Announces New Initiatives

The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy gathered,in a special assembly on 1st July,2024 to celebrate the achievements of students and to mark significant announcements by the school Director, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu. The assembly was noted by the hoisting of the national flag by Director sir, followed by a prize distribution ceremony and an important address to the students.

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu distributed prizes to the winners of the recently held Maths Surprise Test – 2 and Brain Hunt2 competitions. The winners were applauded for their outstanding performances and were encouraged to continue striving for excellence in their academic pursuits.

1. K. Anshu Tej – Charaka                              

2. M. Harshavardhan  – Charaka                    

3. M. Vignayasri  – Charaka

1. S. Sairam  – James Watt

2. A. Sathwik  – Charaka

3. P. Pradyun – Charaka  

1. P. Neha  – Pasteur

2. G. Siri   – Pasteur

3. P. Vedasri – Aristotle

1. Tirtha Bodhankar  – Raman

2. K. Ruthwik – Tesla

3. S. Abhiram – Hippocrates   

1. N. Sai Vidhyakar – Satish Dhawan

2. N. Laxman – Kalam   

3. Ch. Vignesh – Rutherford

1. Shraddha Singh (Satish Dhawan)

2. J. Kathik (Vikram Sarabhai)

3. A. Abhishek (Archimedes)  

1. M. Eshwar – VI Pasteur

2. S. Sai Kruthik – VII Tesla

3. S. Srinith – IX Satish Dhawan

4. T. Manish – X Satish Dhawan

5. N. Sumalatha – X Bhatnagar

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu’s speech emphasized the importance of good leadership, linking it to the upcoming Student Council elections. He announced that the process for electing the new Student Council of Greenwood High School begins today. He encouraged students to participate actively and to elect leaders who embody the values and vision of the school.

In addition to the announcement about the Student Council elections, Director sir highlighted the significance of Doctor’s Day. He spoke about the invaluable contributions of doctors to society, especially in light of recent global health challenges. He encouraged students to recognize and appreciate the dedication and hard work of medical professionals. He also emphasized about the need for the students to focus on entering into research field and to pave ways for many inventions which will be beneficial to mankind as our lives as humans on earth are so precious.

The assembly concluded on a high note, with students feeling motivated and inspired by Director sir’s words. The day marked a significant moment in the school calendar, fostering a sense of community, achievement, and forward-thinking among students and staff.

All the students and staff felt thankful to Sri.Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu for his insightful address and for inspiring the students to aim for excellence both in leadership and academics.

Report by G. Krishna Rao (Teacher of English)

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World Environment Day @ Greenwood Gopalpur

World Environment Day serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect the planet and ensures that environmental issues remain a priority on the global agenda.

Greenwood High School celebrated Environment Day on 29th June,24 with enthusiastic participation from students in nursery through class 7. The event aimed to educate the students on the importance of the environment.

Activities included hand print art and coloring projects focused on themes such as “Save Trees.” Even the teachers joined in, adding their hand prints as a memorable keepsake of the celebration.

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The Importance of Electing a Good Leader

Electing a good leader is crucial for the success and well-being of any community, whether it be a school, town, or country. A good leader makes decisions that benefit everyone, helps solve problems, and sets a positive example. Here are some reasons why it is important to elect a good leader.

A good leader makes fair decisions. When a leader is fair, they listen to everyone’s ideas and opinions before making a decision. This ensures that everyone feels heard and respected. Fair decisions help to create a sense of trust and unity among the people they lead. For example, in a school, a good student council president will listen to the concerns of all students before planning events or making rules.

A good leader helps solve problems. In any community, problems are bound to arise. A good leader is someone who can find solutions that are acceptable to everyone. They do not ignore problems or hope they will go away. Instead, they tackle them head-on. For instance, if there is a conflict between two groups of students, a good leader will find a way to resolve the issue peacefully and fairly.

A good leader sets a positive example. People look up to their leaders and often follow their actions. If a leader is kind, honest, and hardworking, others will be inspired to act in the same way. This can create a positive atmosphere in the community. For example, if a school principal always speaks politely and treats everyone with respect, students and teachers are likely to do the same.

A good leader is responsible. They understand that their actions affect many people, so they take their job seriously. They are reliable and can be counted on to do what they say they will do. This builds confidence in their leadership. For example, if a mayor promises to improve the local park, a responsible leader will make sure the park is indeed improved, keeping their promise to the community.

A good leader encourages and supports others. They help people to do their best and reach their goals. They recognize and celebrate the achievements of others. This support can boost the confidence and morale of everyone in the community. For instance, a good coach will encourage all players, making them feel valued and motivated to do their best.

A good leader thinks about the future. They do not just focus on solving today’s problems but also plan for tomorrow. They consider the long-term impact of their decisions and strive to make choices that will benefit the community in the years to come. For example, a president who invests in education and healthcare is thinking about the future well-being of the country’s citizens.

So, electing a good leader is essential because they make fair decisions, solve problems, set positive examples, are responsible, encourage others, and plan for the future. Good leaders create strong, happy, and successful communities. It is important to choose leaders who have these qualities to ensure a bright and positive future for everyone.

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