Opening Ceremony of Annual sports meet at Greenwood High School, Hunter road.

16/12/2023, SAT

Opening Ceremony of Annual sports meet at Greenwood High School, Hunter road.

If there is one field of life which teaches us the most valuable lessons about perseverance, patience in fact what constitutes a perfect character, it is sports. Thus, on the 16th  December, 2023, Greenwood High School has organized  Annual Sports Meet  inaugural for the Primary School.

Mothers are a priceless gift from God and a perfect amalgamation of love, devotion and sacrifice. The bond of a mother and her child is inexplicable and to celebrate this bond,  Greenwood  High School has invited the parents to   Annual Sports Meet( Me and My Mom)it was celebrated with great zeal and exuberance to foster the social and emotional health of the learners through motherly love and compassion.

The Programme  started by Lighting of torch by our  beloved director sir Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu garu   followed with march the splendid March Past by the four house groups.

The highlight of the event was the dazzling ramp walk by our incredible mothers along with their kids showing  their fondness and affection for each other. The children were very excited to showcase their love for their parents and this was evident on their faces while they were performing. It was a moment of elation to see the happiness ushering in the faces of all the parents who made the most of this wonderful day with happiness. 

The little tots of Grade -2 came up with scintillating performances as they danced to the melodious tunes with  Dumbles .

 Grade I  students  tied the entire show and left everyone spellbound with cheerful faces with umbrella dance. 

The Games  started with the ‘Oath Taking Ceremony’ by the students  in which they pledged to play with sportsmanship besides keeping in mind all the rules and regulations of different events.

Director sir Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu garu   addressed the gathering  and  explained the benefits of playing sports, how it helps to stay fit both mentally and physically. He requested the students to participate in more sports activities. He also  reiterated the role of parents in all our lives, as parents are “ A little bit of parents, a little bit of teacher and a little bit of friend”.

The parents appreciated and shared their views on the Greenwood High School   effort to make a connection between the generations through these events.

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