“Every brilliant experiment, or every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.”

Hunter Road @ Greenwood Group of Schools :

On 4th of November 2022, Greenwood high school hunter road organized an event “SCIENCE CLUB ACTIVITY 2022”   

Science‘is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity. Science provides a platform for the students to use their scientific knowledge and bring the best invention from their brains. It also allows students to work together in groups and learn from each other.

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They share their ideas and collectively galvanize those ideas to bring something innovative into implementation.  The main reason behind organizing such science experiments is to provide a platform to students where they can implement the various scientific theories/methods through various projects/models. It is a platform where students can showcase how much they have understood the different scientific theories through their projects/models.

It also helps to build the ability for teamwork and cooperation among students. The aim of the event was to elaborate on the importance of science in our life. Students presented their wonder science projects according to their interests and skills. There were special activities performed by the students. All the students were so excited, especially those who want to choose science as their career.

The Science Event was a huge success. The Function not only gave wings to the curious minds of the students but also the adults and teachers seemed to enjoy the display of the plethora of scientific advances presented by the students. Such Events are of utmost necessity for the students as they get to explore their full potential and also get a stage to present their ideas.

 This event was organized and leaded by Ms.Nasreen Sultana of (Science Department

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