Red Day Celebrations @ Hunter Road Greenwood

Hunter Road @ Greenwood Group of Schools :

“The colour of love and smiles  illuminates the air with energy, vigour and exuberance…..”

Nursery to grade -II conducted ‘Red Day’ activity on 5th November, 2022 to introduce children into the mesmerizing realm of colours.  The shades of red made our tiny tots feel bright, lively and cheerful.

Click below link for more videos & Photos :

‘Red’ colour symbolizes enthusiasm, life and vitality. The day started off with the colour red every- where red dress, red rose, red teddy, red car, red apples, red cherries, here a red… there a red….. red red everywhere ..our little ones spent a spectacular red day.

The tiny tots looked stunning in their red outfits. The young ones sang Red Day song ‘My red balloon….’ ‘Apples are red… Roses are red…. I love red…red, red, red…’

Some of the students spoke a few sentences on the red object they brought from home.

Principal Ms.Mamjula Devi  had an eventful interactive session with students providing them with a deep insight about the purpose of such celebrations.

In the class rooms children  have palm printing, collage work ,colouring  activity. Everyone enjoyed colouring , collage work  and printing their own hands

Colours  are indeed the smiles of nature….. The ‘Red Day’ celebration was a wonderful learning activity which helped children to sort and classify objects based on colours there by reinforcing cognitive skills.

It was a scintillating day with innocent faces gleaming and reflecting brightness, joy, love and happiness.

9 thoughts on “Red Day Celebrations @ Hunter Road Greenwood”

  1. What a wonderful activity… I appreciate who have got this amazing ideas for children.. And it purely shows the humans who still value and give importance to the colours and the school who have conducted this enthusiasm towards cultural activities are great thinkers 👍

  2. Dear Principal and Teachers,
    Thank you for creating a safe environment for students at school. Thank you for arranging such great activities Because of you, my son, is excited to leave for school every morning, which is no small feat. Keep up the amazing work
    Special thanks to management and Rumana [ACO] for arranging Maths club activity, thanks a lot for such efforts

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