MATH CLUB ACTIVITY @ Hunter Road Greenwood

Hunter Road @ Greenwood Group of Schools :

There should be a scope of learning beyond class room confinement to widen the knowledge of students and to provide exposure for real life problems relating to society.

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So Greenwood High School has organized Math Club Activity for grade V on 5.11.2k22.

It is useful in arousing and maintaining interest in mathematics.

It stimulates the active participation of the students.

The knowledge gained by students in various functions of such club activities supplements the classroom teaching.

Our Beloved Principal, Vice Principal, ACO were present as the most awaited Math Club Activity had begun..

The program started in the afternoon session with the surprise quiz for the students.

Team – A: Varun Teja ,Srinithya ,Prayojani ,Saharsh

Team – B: Harshith ,Rohan ,Sushanth ,Abdul Rahman

Team – C: Adith ,Nihal ,Namaan ,Rishitha

Team – D: Mahir ,Mahi Toshinival , Arjun ,Pranavi

The programme continued with the reverse reading of table by Harshith , Akshaya and Pranavi.

Riddles by Marwa and Shreyan .

Explanation of Numbers in Indian system and International system was carried out by Pragnan  ,Place value and Face value by Mahir and Pranavi.

To know the importance of Mathematics in daily life a skit has been performed to bring the change in the children who don’t like mathematics.

Activity to identify the types of fractions was performed by Sushanth and group.

Group photos were taken with all the participants and Words of encouragement were given by Manjula Maam.

6 thoughts on “MATH CLUB ACTIVITY @ Hunter Road Greenwood”

  1. Wow what a nice activity for kids .. Actually the kids gonna love and get a boldness by this activity.. i feel very nice by seeing this activity and i hope the children got to know tricks and get knowledge

  2. Dear Principal and Teachers,
    Thank you for creating a safe environment for students at school. Thank you for arranging such great activities Because of you, my son, is excited to leave for school every morning, which is no small feat. Keep up the amazing work
    Special thanks to management and Rumana teacher for arranging Maths club activity, thanks a lot for such efforts

  3. Dear Principal, [ACO] Rumana and management
    Thank you for creating a safe environment for students at school. Thank you for arranging such great activities Because of you, my son, is excited to leave for school every morning, which is no small feat. Keep up the amazing work
    Special thanks to management and Rumana teacher for arranging Maths club activity, thanks a lot for such efforts

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