International Yoga Day Celebrated in Greenwood @ Erragattugutta

@ Erragattugutta @ Greenwood High School

Yoga is a posture-based physical fitness, stress relief and relaxation technique consisting mainly of asanas. The mention of ‘yoga’ is largely found in Vedas; particularly in Rigveda. We can find many things about yoga in the Hatha Yoga texts. 

Now people across the world began to think about yoga as a practice that synchronises body, mind and the Spirit. The traditional yoga focuses on meditation that releases one from worldly attachments. However, the modern forms of yoga are fitness based.

It was introduced to the world by gurus from India after the success of Swami Vivekananda’s adaptation of yoga without asanas. Vivekananda introduced the Yoga Sutras to the West saying that one needs nerves of steel and muscles of iron.

Today, the 21 June 2023, Wednesday, Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy has celebrated the 9th International Yoga Day in the School’s Amphitheatre (Open Auditorium) at 6:30 a.m. Students took part in these celebrations and demonstrated various asanas and breathing exercises. Sri Bhoga Raghupathi a well-known Yoga Guru from Parkal has guided the students through Asanas and breathing exercises. Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, the Director of Greenwood Group of Schools has presided over these celebrations. 

Sri VVV Naveen Kumar, the Academic Principal, Sri T. Pavan Kumar, the Administrative Principal and S. Radhakrishnan, First Officer (NCC), Madam Sajani and Sri M Ramakrishna NCC Masters have taken part in these celebrations.

During his address to the assembled students and teachers, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu has advised that everyone should practice YOGA regularly to keep themselves fit and energetic in these days of hectic life. He reiterated  that Yoga can relieve one from stress and strain very effectively and enhances our self-confidence to a greater extent.

Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu

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