Mehendi Competition @ Greenwood-Erragattugutta

Erragattugutta @ Greenwod Group of Schools

Popularly know as Gorintaku and Mydaku, Mehendi has been gaining unprecedented popularity among the young ladies, children and ladies all over India. It is good to know that its popularity is extended to young gentlemen and men too. Putting on Mehendi to redden the palms, hands and sometimes feet is considered not only beauty but also auspicious. In Greenwood it is always “Come January, Come Mehendi”.

Sparkling red, brightening the hands, arms and feet of girls always brings in unlimited joy to the girls. It has become a tradition to conduct a competition among the girl students of Greenwood to bring out the imbedded talent of Art of Mehendi in them.

On 02.01.2023, this competition was conducted in the school lawn in the evening . As many as 55 girls took active part in this competition. Each of these girls paired with a peer each of their choice and decorated their palms and arms to the best of their skill exhibiting their talent. It indeed was a treat for the connoisseurs to look at the sight of these many girls actively engaged in this exhibition of skill and art.

Their talent was assessed by Judges (Teachers) and the result was kept in a sealed cover. Who the winners are will only be known on the oncoming National Festival, Republic Day; 26.01.2023.

At the end of the competition our beloved Director Sri. Dr. Girrem Bharadwaja Naidu garu, the Academic Principal Sri. V.V.V. Naveen Kumar and Administrative Principal Sri. T. Pavan Kumar congratulated and appreciated all the participants. They wished them good luck in their future endeavors and blessed them.  

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