A New Beginning- Greenwood @Hunter Road

@Hunter Road #Greenwood High School

“ A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen.”  ~ DENISE WITMER

With great enthusiasm and zeal Greenwood High School, Hunter Road officially started the new academic session for the year 2023-24 on 14th June 2023. Students came along with excitement and longing to meet their friends and teachers and start a fresh and eventful year ahead. 

The Greenwood tradition of hoisting the national flag every Thursday was carried out by our beloved principal Manjula Maam, followed by the national song sung by all the students in honour of the flag. 

“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” – F. Scott Fitzgeral

Summer vacation for students was not only fun but also very challenging. Our school encouraged the students to write a short book of their choice of genre, and also influenced other to do the same. Students took this opportunity and gave tremendous response to this news by sharing their “thoughts and ideas” for the guidance of school. 

Greenwood High School, Hunter Road is very proud to announce that 3 students of our school have successfully written and published a book on Bribooks.. Sai Shyam Mayank, Sumayya and Samara have taken this achievement in hand, as our principal Manjula maam handed them the Published Author Certificate signed by Ami Dror CEO and Founder of Bribooks. in the morning assembly

Sai Shyam Mayank of class 7th has written the book “The Time Machine” a story inspired by science fiction. 

Sumayya of class 8th has written the book “The Marine’s Secret” an imaginative story which revolves around water. 

Whereas her sister Samara the youngest writer of Greenwood High School, Hunter Road, of class 4th has written the book “Sam The Butterfly Girl” an imaginary story about a girl who discovers rare species of butterflies. 

Manjula maam gave some words of encouragement and with this the assembly came to an end and students returned back to their class. 

And so the Adventures begin!!

(Ms. Rida – Department of English) 

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