Math’s Day Celebrations @ Greenwood Hunter Road

Hunter Road @ Greenwood Group of Schools

National Mathematics day was organized in Greenwood High School Hunter Road on 22 Dec 2022  to commemorate the birthday of Shri Srinivasa Ramanujan, the great mathematical genius who made exemplary contribution to Mathematics.
The Mathematics day was celebrated with objective of creating awareness about importance of mathematics in day to day life situation and also to create students interest in studying  Mathematics.

The exquisite senior batch of 10th Ramanujan took the initiative to organize the event and guide their junior in making the day memorable and fun.  

With fresh minds in the morning, students stepped in to the assembly ground around 8:20 PM. The prayer was carried on with the national song and pledge, followed by the flag hoisting by our beloved Principal Manjula Devi Ma’am. The whole school united as they salute the Indian Flag. The event finally started as Principal, Vice Principal and ACO offered garlands to the photo to Ramanujan.


Students gave an overview on the life of Srinivasa Ramanujan which was very informative. What made the event more compelling was the excitement of the students. Math without fun…. Well well that’s an odd combination Math is always fun, to excite us more, students of class 7th gave some very educative and interesting facts about math. 

0 is the most valued number in math. Surprised? Well most of math work cannot be completed without the number 0. Smallest holds the most value, to prove this saying our young minds, students of class 5th performed an amazing skit showing different shapes and their values. 

Next students of class 8th decoded the magic square for all the young minds. Yes the magic square which takes your mind a million miles away. Audience finally learned that magic. 🙂

The seniors of the school engaged students with some very exciting Math riddles. The audience was very attention and gave feedbacks to the N number of riddles darted towards them. 

Readers do you know what is the easiest, yet the hardest math? Yes, its Mental Math. It can be easy when you learn the trick, but it can be hard when your mind enters a maze of numbers. To break this maze, students performed amazing calculation tricks. Learning these tricks will definitely save us some time during exams, as the saying goes a stitch in time saves nine. 

As we proceed towards the end of the event, students of class 10th showed a wonderful skit which brought in elements of laughter, education and some values the perfect recipe for success. 

The audience kept the show moving throughout with their amazing skills and mental math abilities. The willingness to answer the riddles, tricks and magical questions is what kept the show alive and active.  

The program came to an end with words of encouragement and appreciation from Principal Manjula maam. 

Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.

Albert Einstein.

Special thanks to all the teachers of Math Department who encouraged and guided the students. 

(Ms Rida-  Department of English) 

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