Challa Dharma reddy

The Infinite Value of Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse

Our planet is facing many environmental problems. One way to help is by following the three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. These three actions can make a big difference in saving our natural resources and protecting the Earth. In this essay, we will learn about the importance of reducing, recycling, and reusing, and how we can apply them in our daily lives.

The first step is to reduce. This means using fewer resources and creating less waste. For example, we can reduce the amount of water we use by turning off the tap while brushing our teeth.

We can also reduce electricity use by switching off lights when we leave a room.

Another way to reduce is by buying products with less packaging. This helps to decrease the amount of plastic and paper waste.

Reducing helps to conserve resources and reduces pollution.

The second step is to recycle. Recycling means turning waste materials into new products. Many items can be recycled, such as paper, glass, metal, and plastic. When we recycle, we send these materials to recycling centers where they are processed and made into new items. For example, old newspapers can be recycled to make new paper products.

Recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills and saves energy. It also reduces the need to use new raw materials, which helps to protect natural resources.

The third step is to reuse. Reusing means finding new ways to use old items instead of throwing them away. For example, we can use old jars to store food or small items.

We can also donate clothes and toys that we no longer need to others who can use them.

Reusing items help to reduce waste and saves money. It also encourages creativity as we find new purposes for things we might otherwise discard.

There are many simple ways to practice the three R’s in our everyday lives. To reduce, we can use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones. We can also use a refillable water bottle instead of buying bottled water.

To recycle, we should separate our waste into different bins for paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Many communities have recycling programs that make it easy to recycle. To reuse, we can fix broken items instead of throwing them away.

We can also repurpose old items for new uses, like turning old t-shirts into cleaning rags.

Following the three R’s has many benefits. It helps to protect the environment by reducing pollution and conserving natural resources. It also helps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This is important because landfills can take up valuable land space and can be harmful to the environment. By reducing, recycling, and reusing, we can also save money and create less demand for new products, which can help to reduce the exploitation of natural resources.

Thus, the three R’s—Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse—are important actions that everyone can take to help protect the environment. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference. Reducing the amount of resources we use, recycling materials instead of throwing them away, and finding new ways to reuse old items are all simple steps that can help to create a healthier planet for future generations. Let’s all do our part and practice the three R’s every day!

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Nominations and Scrutinization

The news of The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy’s Student Council Election for Head Girl and Head Boy 2024-25 was announced by School Director Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu on 01-07-2024 in the school Special Monday Assembly.

The Interested Students of class 10 were asked to enroll their names as nominees. Initially, 32 Girls and 50 boys enrolled their names as nominees.

In the process of selection of final contestants for the elections, firstly Screening Test – 1 was conducted for all the enrolled students on 01-07-2024 in the First phase of scrutiny. Screening Test -1 was a written test. 8 Girls and 8 boys were selected for Screening Test – 2.

  1. N. Sai Kumar
  2. K. Adithya Raman
  3. V. Sai Ruthwik Reddy
  4. S. Sushanth
  5. N. Aswith
  6. P. Rajesh
  7. S. Hrushikesh
  8. T. Siddhartha Goud

  1. G. Sahashra
  2. K.Siri
  3. T.Krishi Ashwitha
  4. M.Kruthika Reddy
  5. K. Mayukha
  6. Ch. Anika
  7. E. Lekhya
  8. S. Sonashree

In the second phase of selection, Screening Test – 2 which is a Group Discussion will be conducted on 03-07-2024.

And final contestants will be shortlisted after Screening Test – 2 on 03-07-2024 and they will be announced as final contestants of the Head Boy and Head Girl Elections.

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Student Cabinet Elections 2024-25 @Hunter Road, Warangal

Every year in Greenwood High School, Hunter Road, cabinet elections take place to teach the students how important a vote is to elect a representative. The objective of appointing the Student’ Council is to provide a platform to the students to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. 

In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the Student’ Council is the voice of the student body.  They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.

The nominees of  high school as well as primary  started their campaign on 28th June by appealing with their logo and manifesto to the teachers and students. 

Greenwood High School, Hunter Road has conducted school cabinet elections on 29th June 2024 for high school and on 1st July 2024 for primary students. It was a memorable day for the Greenwoodians as they  have coasted their precious votes which will determine the student representative for the upcoming academic year. 

NCC cadets of our school welcomed our honourable Director Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu sir by starting a march past  to show gratitude towards the ceremony.

The ceremony began with our beloved director sir interacting with the contestants and then casting the first vote followed by our General Manager Prabhu Kumar sir, Principal Manjula mam, ACOs, Srikanth sir, Harshavardhan sir and Sailaja mam.

Finally the voting had begun by the seniors of our school, as they assembled in the assembly hall for casting their votes, followed by the gems of classes 6th – 10thand concluding the voting with the little stars of classes 3rd to 5thwho were eager to elect their representative. The teaching and non teaching staff of the school also played their vital part in selecting the leader.

The results are much awaited by the school.

Here is the list of our Contestants who applied for this position.

(Reported by P. Aashritha and A. Sai Sree Neha from X Newton Under the guidance of Ms. Rida – Department of English )

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Greenwood High School Honors Student Achievements and Announces New Initiatives

The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy gathered,in a special assembly on 1st July,2024 to celebrate the achievements of students and to mark significant announcements by the school Director, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu. The assembly was noted by the hoisting of the national flag by Director sir, followed by a prize distribution ceremony and an important address to the students.

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu distributed prizes to the winners of the recently held Maths Surprise Test – 2 and Brain Hunt2 competitions. The winners were applauded for their outstanding performances and were encouraged to continue striving for excellence in their academic pursuits.

1. K. Anshu Tej – Charaka                              

2. M. Harshavardhan  – Charaka                    

3. M. Vignayasri  – Charaka

1. S. Sairam  – James Watt

2. A. Sathwik  – Charaka

3. P. Pradyun – Charaka  

1. P. Neha  – Pasteur

2. G. Siri   – Pasteur

3. P. Vedasri – Aristotle

1. Tirtha Bodhankar  – Raman

2. K. Ruthwik – Tesla

3. S. Abhiram – Hippocrates   

1. N. Sai Vidhyakar – Satish Dhawan

2. N. Laxman – Kalam   

3. Ch. Vignesh – Rutherford

1. Shraddha Singh (Satish Dhawan)

2. J. Kathik (Vikram Sarabhai)

3. A. Abhishek (Archimedes)  

1. M. Eshwar – VI Pasteur

2. S. Sai Kruthik – VII Tesla

3. S. Srinith – IX Satish Dhawan

4. T. Manish – X Satish Dhawan

5. N. Sumalatha – X Bhatnagar

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu’s speech emphasized the importance of good leadership, linking it to the upcoming Student Council elections. He announced that the process for electing the new Student Council of Greenwood High School begins today. He encouraged students to participate actively and to elect leaders who embody the values and vision of the school.

In addition to the announcement about the Student Council elections, Director sir highlighted the significance of Doctor’s Day. He spoke about the invaluable contributions of doctors to society, especially in light of recent global health challenges. He encouraged students to recognize and appreciate the dedication and hard work of medical professionals. He also emphasized about the need for the students to focus on entering into research field and to pave ways for many inventions which will be beneficial to mankind as our lives as humans on earth are so precious.

The assembly concluded on a high note, with students feeling motivated and inspired by Director sir’s words. The day marked a significant moment in the school calendar, fostering a sense of community, achievement, and forward-thinking among students and staff.

All the students and staff felt thankful to Sri.Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu for his insightful address and for inspiring the students to aim for excellence both in leadership and academics.

Report by G. Krishna Rao (Teacher of English)

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World Environment Day @ Greenwood Gopalpur

World Environment Day serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect the planet and ensures that environmental issues remain a priority on the global agenda.

Greenwood High School celebrated Environment Day on 29th June,24 with enthusiastic participation from students in nursery through class 7. The event aimed to educate the students on the importance of the environment.

Activities included hand print art and coloring projects focused on themes such as “Save Trees.” Even the teachers joined in, adding their hand prints as a memorable keepsake of the celebration.

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NCC Certificate Distribution

23/ 04 /2024

Greenwood High School, Hunter Road got yet another achievement. In the presence of our beloved Principal Manjula Maam, Vice Principal Mahender Sir and ACOs Harshavardhan and Srikanth sir, 2 NCC Permanent Instructors Ajit Kadam and Nikesh visited our school to acknowledge our NCC cadets. 

39 students of our school have completed the 2 year NCC course under the  guidance of Ms. Sajani  and were presented with their final certificate acknowledging their effort and commitment towards the position, in the year 2023-24.

All the cadets are highly trained and fit in every aspects.

We thank the management for giving the children such exposure to such activities and encouraging them throughout. 

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Sri Rama, an Epitome of Friendship

In the timeless epic of the Ramayana, Rama stands as an epitome of friendship, embodying virtues that transcend time and culture. His unwavering loyalty, selflessness, and steadfast support for his friends make him a beacon of friendship for generations to come.

Moreover, Rama’s friendship with Lakshmana, his devoted brother, is a testament to selflessness and sacrifice. Lakshmana willingly forsakes his own comfort and safety to accompany Rama into exile, demonstrating the depth of his commitment and love. In return, Rama honours Lakshmana’s devotion, valuing his companionship above all else.

Rama’s friendships extend beyond his immediate circle to encompass all those who align with righteousness and virtue. He forms alliances with beings from diverse backgrounds, uniting them under a common cause. Whether it be with the monkey army led by Sugriva or the loyal allies like Vibhishana, Rama fosters bonds based on mutual respect and shared values.

Furthermore, Rama’s ability to forgive and reconcile highlights the magnanimity of true friendship. Despite facing betrayal and adversity, he chooses to forgive those who have wronged him, extending a hand of friendship instead of harboring resentment.

In essence, Rama’s character in the Ramayana serves as a timeless model of friendship, inspiring individuals to cultivate bonds built on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. His unwavering support for his friends, his willingness to sacrifice for their well-being, and his capacity for forgiveness exemplify the ideals of true companionship. Through his actions and virtues, Rama illuminates the path towards fostering enduring and meaningful friendships that transcend the trials of time and adversity.

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G-Fair for class 6 – 10th

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. ~ Thomas A. Edison

Coming towards the end of the academic year Greenwood High School Hunter Road had planned G-Fair for class 6-10thon 4th April 2024. We all know that haste makes waste, so from28th March to 3rdApril children came together and worked on different projects both working and still modals, with the guidance from their respective teachers of subjects Telugu, Hindi, English, Math, Science and Social.

Special stalls of Nutri, art and craft and psychology followed right through. The zeal of the students towards learning and presenting the wide range of topics made the week more passionate and fulfilling. As this chance comes Once in a blue moon students grabbed this opportunity and showcased their amazing skills and abilities to grasp, learn, understand and present different ideas and concepts. Parents of all the students were invited to attend this special event.

The red letter day had arrived. On 4th April 2024  all the students were ready with their stall and awaited the arrival of the parents. Our Beloved Director Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu sir inaugurated the event followed by Prabhu Kumar sir, Manjula Mam, Mahender sir and ACOs Harshavardhan and Srikanth sir. The parents bloomed the day with their presence.

All the students were as calm as a cucumber and with every stall the expectations and excitement of the visitors was increasing. From 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM students confidently showed their talents without having cold feet.Special projects like the Chandrayan 3  launch, Modal of the Ayodhya Temple,  ATM machine, Working modal of the pumping of blood, and language stalls like Idioms, Tongue Twisters and Riddles gained much popularity. Students arranged  multiple games related to their exhibits which made the crowd more active.

Parents gave a positive feedback and encouraged all the students for their exquisite performance.All the Greenwood staff took turns to visit the stalls and appreciate the work of our students as they worked their fingers to the bones.

And with that the event was a success and we called it a day




(Ms.Rida- Department of English)

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“Vibrant Celebrations and Reverence: Vasant Panchami at Greenwood Gopalpur”

Vasant Panchami, the festival heralding the arrival of spring, was celebrated with great fervor at Greenwood Gopalpur. The day began with Mrs. Kavitha Chawla, The principal, addressing the student gathering about the importance of the day and blessing them for their future.

Next the students and staff offering fragrant flowers to the idol of Goddess Saraswati, the epitome of knowledge and wisdom. This act of devotion set the tone for a day filled with reverence and celebration.

Throughout the program, various classes recited slokas dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, showcasing their devotion and spiritual connection. The highlight of the event was a captivating dance performance by the talented girls of Class 7, which enthralled the audience and added to the festive atmosphere.

In addition to the cultural performances, students also sought the blessings of their teachers, acknowledging their role in shaping their future. The day was not just a celebration but also a time for reflection and gratitude towards the goddess and the teachers who guide and inspire them.

Celebrating Vasant Panchami is important as it signifies the arrival of spring, a season of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is believed that Goddess Saraswati bestows her devotees with knowledge, wisdom, and creativity on this auspicious day.

Therefore, by celebrating Vasant Panchami, we not only honor the goddess but also seek her blessings for success and enlightenment in all our endeavors

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Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone.

08/02/2024, THU

Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone. It’s not just for artists; it helps solve problems and express yourself in unique ways. Try new things, like doodling or cooking, to keep your brain happy and always learning. Let Aadhika Aadhyasari of Class 5 is here to discuss how to make your life for more fun!

Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone. Read More »

World Read Aloud Day 2024 Celebrations at Greenwood Gopalpur School

Greenwood Gopalpur School celebrated World Read Aloud Day 2024 with great enthusiasm, fostering a love for reading and promoting camaraderie among students. The main event featured students reading aloud chapters from their lessons, prompting their classmates to repeat after them. This interactive session not only enhanced reading skills but also encouraged active participation and engagement in learning.

One of the highlights of the event was the reading session among siblings, where older siblings helped their younger counterparts, promoting a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among the students. This activity not only strengthened bonds between siblings but also emphasized the importance of mutual support and collaboration in learning.

World Read Aloud Day holds significant importance as it underscores the power of reading aloud in improving literacy skills, building confidence, and fostering a sense of community among readers. By encouraging students to read aloud and engage in collaborative reading activities, Greenwood Gopalpur School reaffirmed its commitment to promoting literacy and nurturing a culture of lifelong learning among its students.

The celebrations served as a reminder of the transformative impact of reading aloud in shaping young minds and building a brighter future. Through such initiatives, Greenwood Gopalpur School continues to empower its students to become avid readers, effective communicators, and compassionate individuals.

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Conduct of ” A ” certificate Exam 2024 at LB college Warangal.

The NCC troops of the school had their A certificate exam conducted on 20th and 21st of January 2024. The A certificate exam is the first level of the NCC certificate exams others being the B and C certificate ones.

The A certificate exam is for the school level students who have taken two years of NCC training, as a part of which they do attend a camp for 10 days to know about the Regimental way of life.

The A certificate has great priority for selections in academic pursuits of Medical and Engineering streams as it provides a 5 percent reservation for the cadets.

Dear Parents’ Admissions are open now for 2024-25

This year the school had 86 cadets appeared for the exam. The number of girls being 27 and that of Boys being 59.

On the first day, the cadets faced drill test, Map reading test, Field craft, battle craft and weapon training practicals.

On the second day they faced the written test covering a wide range of topics both in military as well as common subjects.

The cadets were motivated to be disciplined and take up the exam quite seriously. The ANO First Officer Sri. S. Radha Krishnan felt that most of them need to choose an army life and be good army officers of the future.

The Officer Cadet Sri. M. Ramakrishna felt the cadets need to take the opportunity well and prove their mettle in the future life.

The cadets were appreciated by the Commanding officer Col. Ajayanand Khandhuri of the 10(T)Bn.NCC.Warangal.

The academic and the administrative principals Mr. V.V.V. Naveen Kumar and Mr. T. Pavan Kumar appreciated the cadets commitment towards getting trained in an army oriented atmosphere.

The Director Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu felt that these cadets should be a role model of the future and be good leaders in the spheres of life they choose to lead.

Conduct of ” A ” certificate Exam 2024 at LB college Warangal. Read More »

Greenwood High School – Hunter Road, Republic Day Celebration.

Greenwood High School – Hunter Road, Republic Day Celebration. Read More »

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