Winter Sports Carnival – 2023 starts with lots of zest and fanfare.

Hunter Road @ Greenwood Group of Schools

Winter Sports Carnival of Greenwood High School, a weeklong sports meet for all the classes and a much awaited sporting event in the school calendar, began with a great fanfare with Director Sir. Dr.Girrem Bharadwaja Naidu garu, declaring the Sports Carnival open at a specially held ceremony in the school playground on the 18 January, 2023

Leading up to the sporting carnival, all the students of all the classes were given a chance to choose sports of their interest to take part in and the response was huge.

After all, it was the first major sporting event in the School post COVID-19. With an aim to provide a sporting opportunity to everyone, all the participants are drawn into teams, house-wise, for team sports and preliminary rounds are formalized for individual games. It’s been a painstaking process since almost all the students are eager to participate in one or the other game.

On 18th January, the day of re-opening of the School after the Sankranthi vacation, Sports Carnival opening ceremony took place. A makeshift stage was arranged in the ground and arrangements were put in place for the program. All the students gathered on the ground dressed in white for the program. First, the guest of honour for the ceremony, respected Director Sir, was called on to the stage, and he was followed by CAO Prabhu Kumar Sir, Principal Manjula Madam to the dais. Vice-Principal Mahender and ACOs K Harshavardhan and K. Srikanth adorned the stage as well.

A March-past of houses led by respective House Presidents and guided by the Head Boy and the Head Girl was conducted and while the march-past passed the stage they saluted the dignitaries on the dais. Guests gladly accepted the salute. The march-past with perfect synchronization resembled a military parade. Speaking about the same, the PETs-Mr. Rajkumar, Mr.Praveen and Mr.Ramesh said that, “we have been making students practice whenever we get time. Thankfully, all our efforts paid off.”

It was followed by the National Flag hoisting by our respected Director Sir and the School Flag hoisting by the Head Boy. Director Sir lit the torch and passed the torch to the Head Boy who passed it to the Head Girl. Likewise, it was passed on to other House Presidents and all the cabinet enthusiastically accompanied them in the march. Finally, the torch was brought to the stage and Director Sir lit the Sports Carnival flame with the torch and declared the sporting carnival open and he administered the oath of fair play with all the participants. Speaking on the occasion, Director Sir said, “Put aside winning and losing and stay focused on bringing the best out of you.” He also emphasized on how important it is to abide by the rules of the games and playing it fare. All the students enthusiastically cheered throughout the program.

After the ceremony, first match of boys’ voylleyball between teams A & E of Diamond House took place. Director Sir shook hands with the two teams accompanied by the respective Captains and wished the teams all the best. On the other side of the ground, girls’ Dodgeball match was held between Teams B & C of Diamond House. Director Sir was introduced to the players of the teams by respective Captains and with Director Sir tossing the coin, the match began. There started a sporting spectacle for the full week.

Reported : Sidra Hureen and Harshini Madishetty of Class IX-Newton.

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