‘Social Club Activity of class 6’ @ Greenwood Hunter Road

Greenwood Group of Schools @ Hunter Road

Continuing with the initiative to conduct regular club activities for the students, Greenwood High School held yet another club activity on 2nd December, 2022 for the students of 6th standard

The Social Club Activity was graced with the presence of the Principal Manjula Ma’am, ACO Harshavardhan Sir and HOD of Social Science Sudheer Sir. The students of 6th grade (Raman, Ramanujan,  Bose and Newton sections) presented various activities in like model exhibitions and presentations on historical monuments, the solar system, volcanic eruption etc. They also dressed up in various traditional attires of different states of India to showcase the diversity of our country. 

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The students also showed their strong attachment to the country by dressing up and portraying our historic freedom fighters and politicians who have made a mark in the nation building. They performed skits on various topics like Ashoka and the Kalinga War; groups of people who are subjected to discrimination: apartheid system in South Africa; evolution of humans, etc. 

The program concluded with the Principal’s note where she appreciated the students  and encouraged them to always seize every opportune moment to improve themselves and also announced the winners of the day. A team from each of the four sections was chosen as winner. The teams which made it to the list included Emerald team of 6th Raman, Emeral team of 6th Ramanujan, Diamond team of 6th Bose and Ruby team of 6th Newton. 

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