Annual Sports Day-Opening ceremony @ Abhyaas

A school Sports Day is a red-letter day on the calendar. It is a day when students are freed from their classrooms and allowed to jump and run around the campus, freed from the fetters of learning. It is a day for mothers and fathers to cheer at their sons and daughters.

School Sports Day is a day for lots of action, red faces, perspiration and smiling faces. It’s a day for victories and defeats, for successes and failures.

Beyond the obvious health and activity benefits, sports can teach us much about life. It teaches us about teamwork and team spirit. It teaches us to work together to achieve a common goal. It helps to inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship in all the competitors. It’s also about developing the qualities of trust and responsibility.

Abhyaas The Global School conducted the opening ceremony of the Annual Sports Day with lots of enthusiasm, passion, and vigor.

The Chief Guest Shri D. Someswara Rao garu, the guest of honour Shri. Datla Suryanarayana Raju garu and Shri. Ch. Ranga Sai began the event by ceremoniously lighting the lamp accompanied by the Principal Mrs. Anita Suhasini.

The audience sat enthralled as girls of grades 8 and 9 gracefully performed a classical dance in reverence to God Almighty.

All the dignitaries along with the Principal Mrs. Anita Suhasini were escorted by the Boy and Girl SPLs, the sports SPL and the four house Captains to the dais at the school ground.


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To begin the ceremony, the National Flag was hoisted by the Chief Guest Mr. D. Someswara Rao, Sports flag was hoisted by the gust of honur Mr. D. Suryanarayana Raju and the school flag was hoisted by the special guest, Mr. Ch. Ranga Sai And reviewed the march past.

March past is all about synchronization and teamwork. Marching in a contingent demands alertness and an unspoken co-ordination. The drumbeat rolls, the band strikes up and a high pitched voice issues a command.

The students of grades 6, 7, 8 and 9 belonging to Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby houses matched past the chief guest for his review. Each house was led by a House Captain and a House Vice Captain.

Soon, it was time to light the torch which ignited the passion of the sporting spirit. This flame ever represents the endeavor for protection and struggle for victory. The flame symbolizes “the light of spirit, knowledge and life.”

The first torch bearer of the flame was the sports SPL Master Kodanda Hemanth who passed it to the Boy SPL Master Abhiram Varma and the Girl SPL Miss Sneha and was passed to the Diamond House Captain, Master Shalem and the Vice House Captain Master Deepak, they handed over to the captain of Sapphire House, Miss Tejeswari and the Vice House Captain Roshani.

The next chance of taking over the torch went to the Emerald House Captain Miss Keerthana and the Vice House Captain Miss Vasavi Sai Priya. Finally, it was handed over to the Ruby House Captain, Master Siddharth and House Vice Captain Master Vijwal Amogh.

Soon it was time for the house captains and house vice captains to raise their flags in order to take the oath by following the lead given by the Sports SPL.

The Chief Guest later released a dove accompanied by tiny tots who released balloons and declared the “Annual Sports Meet open”.

The SPLs and the four house leaders once again escorted the gusts to the dais at the assembly ground where he addressed eager students and their parents.

The much awaited drills began with the dumbbell drill which was performed by little students of grad- 3.

It was followed by students of grade 4 and 5 who displayed their skills with brightly decorated bamboos.

An eye catching flower drill was performed by girls of grades 5, 6 and 7.

Boys from grades 6, 7, 8 and 9 captivated the audience with their hoop drill.

Boys and girls of grades 8 and 9 came up next to entertain all with a scintillating butterfly drill.

The grand opening ceremony reached it’s final stage when all the excellent drill performers performed a CARNIVAL in front of their proud Principal, teachers and parents and the gusts.

The day culminated with the singing of the National Anthem.

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