Hunter Road

From Ballot Boxes to Victory: The Greenwood Head Boy and Head Girl Election Results

The counting of votes represents the final phase of any election process, and the Greenwood Head Boy and Head Girl Elections 2024-25 were no exception. After students, staff, and faculty cast their votes on Election Day, July 8, 2024, anticipation filled the air as everyone awaited the results.

  • Date and Preparations: Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, our Director and Chief Election Commissioner, scheduled the counting for July 10, 2024. A dedicated counting center was established within the school premises.
  • Counting Officers: Teachers served as counting officers, adhering to procedures aligned with the directives. Returning Officer Sri. Satheesan Achari oversaw the entire process, with candidates and their agents present.
  • Ceremonial Procession: A ceremonial procession brought sealed ballot boxes from a secure location to the counting hall. Director and Chief Election Commissioner Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, Chief Intelligence Officer Sri. A. Prabhu Kumar, Principal Secretaries Sri. V.V.V Naveen Kumar, Sri. T. Pavan Kumar, Sri. V. Suresh Kumar (Chief Observer), Smt. P. Kanthi (Observer) Election Commissioners, Presiding Officers, Observers, Chief Security Officers, and the contested candidates.
  • Votes Organized: At separate counting tables for boys and girls, the sealed ballot boxes were opened, and votes were organized into bundles of fifty. A total of 1489 votes were cast, including staff votes (1058 boys’ votes and 431 girls’ votes).

  • K. Adithya Raman (TREE Symbol) secured victory by a margin of 40 votes over T. Siddartha Goud (GRADUATION HAT Symbol).
TOTAL VOTES polled – 1058


  • S. Sonashree (GRADUATION HAT Symbol) emerged victorious with a margin of 45 votes over K. Mayuka (TREE Symbol).

Electrifying Atmosphere

  • The campus buzzed with excitement during the counting rounds. Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu announced results at each stage, drawing cheers from supporters as their preferred candidates took the lead.

Announcement and Certificate Award for Head Boy and Head Girl Elections 2024-25

After the winners were officially declared by Director and Chief Election Commissioner Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, a special ceremony followed. The newly elected Head Boy, K. Adithya Raman, and Head Girl, S. Sonashree, received their winning certificates. They addressed the gathering, sharing their vision and plans for the upcoming academic year. A joyful photo session captured the moment, and celebrations continued.

Commentary and Transparency


  • The Director, General Manager, and Academic and Administrative Principals commended staff and students for their active participation.
  • Special recognition was given to key individuals, including Mr. Satheesan Achari (Returning Officer), Mr. Ranjit Behara (Election Commissioner), Mr. B. Sandeep Reddy (Election Commissioner) and Mr. P. Rambabu. Mr. Satheesan Achari, Head of the Social Department took the lead in conducting the elections in a smooth and fair manner.
  • NCC ANO First Officer Mr. S. Radha Krishnan and Mr. Prem Chandra Sekhar received appreciation for their security arrangements.

A Valuable Learning Experience

This election provided students with a practical understanding of the Indian voting system.

Report by: G. Krishna Rao (English Department)

From Ballot Boxes to Victory: The Greenwood Head Boy and Head Girl Election Results Read More »

Nominations and Scrutinization

The news of The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy’s Student Council Election for Head Girl and Head Boy 2024-25 was announced by School Director Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu on 01-07-2024 in the school Special Monday Assembly.

The Interested Students of class 10 were asked to enroll their names as nominees. Initially, 32 Girls and 50 boys enrolled their names as nominees.

In the process of selection of final contestants for the elections, firstly Screening Test – 1 was conducted for all the enrolled students on 01-07-2024 in the First phase of scrutiny. Screening Test -1 was a written test. 8 Girls and 8 boys were selected for Screening Test – 2.

  1. N. Sai Kumar
  2. K. Adithya Raman
  3. V. Sai Ruthwik Reddy
  4. S. Sushanth
  5. N. Aswith
  6. P. Rajesh
  7. S. Hrushikesh
  8. T. Siddhartha Goud

  1. G. Sahashra
  2. K.Siri
  3. T.Krishi Ashwitha
  4. M.Kruthika Reddy
  5. K. Mayukha
  6. Ch. Anika
  7. E. Lekhya
  8. S. Sonashree

In the second phase of selection, Screening Test – 2 which is a Group Discussion will be conducted on 03-07-2024.

And final contestants will be shortlisted after Screening Test – 2 on 03-07-2024 and they will be announced as final contestants of the Head Boy and Head Girl Elections.

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Greenwood High School Honors Student Achievements and Announces New Initiatives

The Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy gathered,in a special assembly on 1st July,2024 to celebrate the achievements of students and to mark significant announcements by the school Director, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu. The assembly was noted by the hoisting of the national flag by Director sir, followed by a prize distribution ceremony and an important address to the students.

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu distributed prizes to the winners of the recently held Maths Surprise Test – 2 and Brain Hunt2 competitions. The winners were applauded for their outstanding performances and were encouraged to continue striving for excellence in their academic pursuits.

1. K. Anshu Tej – Charaka                              

2. M. Harshavardhan  – Charaka                    

3. M. Vignayasri  – Charaka

1. S. Sairam  – James Watt

2. A. Sathwik  – Charaka

3. P. Pradyun – Charaka  

1. P. Neha  – Pasteur

2. G. Siri   – Pasteur

3. P. Vedasri – Aristotle

1. Tirtha Bodhankar  – Raman

2. K. Ruthwik – Tesla

3. S. Abhiram – Hippocrates   

1. N. Sai Vidhyakar – Satish Dhawan

2. N. Laxman – Kalam   

3. Ch. Vignesh – Rutherford

1. Shraddha Singh (Satish Dhawan)

2. J. Kathik (Vikram Sarabhai)

3. A. Abhishek (Archimedes)  

1. M. Eshwar – VI Pasteur

2. S. Sai Kruthik – VII Tesla

3. S. Srinith – IX Satish Dhawan

4. T. Manish – X Satish Dhawan

5. N. Sumalatha – X Bhatnagar

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu’s speech emphasized the importance of good leadership, linking it to the upcoming Student Council elections. He announced that the process for electing the new Student Council of Greenwood High School begins today. He encouraged students to participate actively and to elect leaders who embody the values and vision of the school.

In addition to the announcement about the Student Council elections, Director sir highlighted the significance of Doctor’s Day. He spoke about the invaluable contributions of doctors to society, especially in light of recent global health challenges. He encouraged students to recognize and appreciate the dedication and hard work of medical professionals. He also emphasized about the need for the students to focus on entering into research field and to pave ways for many inventions which will be beneficial to mankind as our lives as humans on earth are so precious.

The assembly concluded on a high note, with students feeling motivated and inspired by Director sir’s words. The day marked a significant moment in the school calendar, fostering a sense of community, achievement, and forward-thinking among students and staff.

All the students and staff felt thankful to Sri.Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu for his insightful address and for inspiring the students to aim for excellence both in leadership and academics.

Report by G. Krishna Rao (Teacher of English)

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Greenwood High School’s Special Monday Assemblies: Promoting Values and Excellence!

Greenwood High School, Hasanparthy, conducts a special assembly every Monday, which has become a significant tradition in fostering the school’s values and culture. These assemblies are graced by the presence of the school’s Director, Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu, who hoists the national flag, addresses the assembly, and distributes prizes to the winners of various competitions held recently.

The Monday assembly is a blend of patriotism and educational activities. It begins with the singing of the national song, followed by the pledge, school song, thought of the day, news reading, speeches, other assembly activities and ends with the national anthem. These elements contribute to the holistic development of the students, emphasizing the importance of values, current affairs, and public speaking skills.

On 24 June 2024, the first special assembly of the academic year 2024-25 was conducted with great enthusiasm. The assembly included all the regular activities and presentations, creating an engaging and educational atmosphere for the students and staff.

Flag Hoisting and National Anthem: The assembly commenced with the singing the national song, school song, followed by pledge and hoisting of the national flag by Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu and accompanied by Academic Principal Sri. V.V.V. Naveen Kumar, Administrative Principal Sri. T. Pavan Kumar,- Vice-principal Sri. V. Suresh Kumar, and Academic coordinator Mrs.P. Kanthi. Afterwards the singing of the national anthem took place, instilling a sense of patriotism among the students.

Assembly Activities: The assembly also included the ‘Thought of the Day,’ delivered by a student, which provided an inspiring message for the day. The news reading segment kept everyone informed about current events, while speeches and other presentations by students showcased their talents and boosted their confidence.

Prize Distribution: The highlight of the assembly was the prize distribution for the winners of the Maths Surprise Test– 1 and Brain Hunt- 1.

1. K. Anshu Tej                              

2. A. Amruth                    

3. K. Vignyasri  

1. G. Trilok Reddy  

2. B. Nehal  

3. Ashrith  

1. M. Sohith   

2. N. Rishi Varma  

3. M. Eshwar

1. S. Vamshi  

2. A. Vikranth

3. M. Praveer  

1. R. Omkar   

2. A. Thanvitha   

3. K. Bhavishyak

1. T. Bhuvanyu Sai

2. M. Saanvi

3. R. Suchith Reddy

1. B. Pranith  – VI

2. V. Haindav – VII  

3. A. Thanvitha – VIII

4. S. Srithin  – IX

5. N. Sumalatha  – X

Sri. Dr. G. Bharadwaja Naidu congratulated the winners and presented them with their prizes, recognizing their hard work and dedication.

Director’s Address: Director sir addressed the students highlighting the importance of maintaining good health by eating sufficient food and drinking adequate water and avoiding junk food. He emphasized the need for students to speak in good English within the school premises to improve their communication skills. He also instructed students to write with good hand writing, to be polite with their peers, respect elders, maintain hygiene, and focus on their studies by listening carefully in class. Additionally, he encouraged active participation in both curricular and co-curricular activities in a disciplined manner.

The special assembly on 24 June 2024 was a memorable event that set the tone for the new academic year. It reinforced the school’s commitment to fostering a well-rounded education that values both academic excellence and personal development. The students left the assembly motivated and inspired to achieve greater heights in the upcoming year.

Report by G. Krishna Rao (Teacher of English)

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Telangana Formation Day

Telangana Formation Day is a significant event celebrated on June 2nd each year, commemorating the creation of the Indian state of Telangana in 2014. This day holds immense importance due to its historical, political, and cultural implications, reflecting the long and arduous struggle of the people of Telangana for a separate state. Here’s a detailed exploration of the beginning, the struggle, the sacrifices, the victory, and the celebration of Telangana Formation Day.

The demand for a separate Telangana state dates back to the early 20th century during the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. The Telangana region was part of the princely state of Hyderabad, which was distinct from the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. Post-independence, in 1956, the States Reorganization Act merged the Telangana region with Andhra State to form Andhra Pradesh. This merger was based on linguistic lines, as both regions predominantly spoke Telugu.

However, the merger was contentious from the beginning. The people of Telangana felt that the promises made during the merger, particularly regarding the safeguarding of their socio-economic and cultural interests, were not being honored. This led to a sense of alienation and discontent among the people of Telangana.

The first major agitation for a separate Telangana state began in 1969, known as the “Jai Telangana” movement. Spearheaded by students and supported by a wide section of society, the movement was driven by grievances over the perceived neglect and exploitation of the Telangana region. The movement saw widespread protests, strikes, and civil disobedience, leading to violent clashes and loss of lives.

Over the decades, the demand for statehood persisted, with various political entities and leaders championing the cause. The formation of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) in 2001 by K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) marked a significant turning point.

The TRS became the most prominent political force advocating for Telangana statehood, organizing rallies, protests, and hunger strikes to keep the issue alive in public consciousness.

The struggle for Telangana statehood involved numerous protests, hunger strikes, and sacrifices. The agitation reached a peak in 2009, with widespread protests and student participation. Many activists and ordinary citizens risked their lives, facing police action and enduring hardships. The sacrifices made during this period, including loss of lives, highlighted the intense desire and commitment of the people of Telangana to achieve statehood.

The journey to statehood was marked by immense sacrifices. Students, activists, and ordinary citizens participated in large-scale protests, often facing police brutality and enduring hardships. Many lives were lost during the agitations, particularly in the final phase of the movement. The sacrifices of these individuals underscored the deep-rooted aspirations and the relentless spirit of the Telangana people.

After years of persistent efforts and negotiations, the Indian government, led by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), decided to carve out a separate Telangana state. The decision was met with mixed reactions, including opposition from leaders in the Seemandhra region. Despite the political challenges and opposition, the government moved forward with the decision.

On June 2, 2014, Telangana was officially formed as the 29th state of India, with Hyderabad as its capital. K. Chandrasekhar Rao became the first Chief Minister of the newly formed state. The formation of Telangana marked the culmination of a long and arduous struggle, fulfilling the aspirations of millions of people.

Hey, Hi

The state government organizes official ceremonies, including flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events. Awards and honors are given to individuals who have contributed to the state’s development. The Chief Minister and other dignitaries deliver speeches, reflecting on the significance of the day and outlining future plans for the state.

The rich cultural heritage of Telangana is showcased through various programs, including dance, music, and art exhibitions. Traditional Telangana cuisine is also highlighted. These cultural programs celebrate the unique identity and traditions of Telangana, fostering a sense of pride and unity among the people.

People across villages and towns participate in local celebrations, reflecting on the journey and expressing hope for a prosperous future. Community events, rallies, and public gatherings are organized, allowing people to come together and celebrate their hard-won statehood.

So, we can say that Telangana Formation Day is a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. It symbolizes the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream and the beginning of a new chapter in the region’s history. The day serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made, celebrating the victory and envisioning a brighter future for Telangana. The celebrations on this day foster a sense of pride, unity, and renewed commitment to the development and progress of the state.

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Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone.

08/02/2024, THU

Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone. It’s not just for artists; it helps solve problems and express yourself in unique ways. Try new things, like doodling or cooking, to keep your brain happy and always learning. Let Aadhika Aadhyasari of Class 5 is here to discuss how to make your life for more fun!

Creativity is like your daily hero, making life better for everyone. Read More »

World Read Aloud Day 2024 Celebrations at Greenwood Gopalpur School

Greenwood Gopalpur School celebrated World Read Aloud Day 2024 with great enthusiasm, fostering a love for reading and promoting camaraderie among students. The main event featured students reading aloud chapters from their lessons, prompting their classmates to repeat after them. This interactive session not only enhanced reading skills but also encouraged active participation and engagement in learning.

One of the highlights of the event was the reading session among siblings, where older siblings helped their younger counterparts, promoting a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among the students. This activity not only strengthened bonds between siblings but also emphasized the importance of mutual support and collaboration in learning.

World Read Aloud Day holds significant importance as it underscores the power of reading aloud in improving literacy skills, building confidence, and fostering a sense of community among readers. By encouraging students to read aloud and engage in collaborative reading activities, Greenwood Gopalpur School reaffirmed its commitment to promoting literacy and nurturing a culture of lifelong learning among its students.

The celebrations served as a reminder of the transformative impact of reading aloud in shaping young minds and building a brighter future. Through such initiatives, Greenwood Gopalpur School continues to empower its students to become avid readers, effective communicators, and compassionate individuals.

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Makara Sankranti, Festival of Unity Prosperity and Joy

As this is the festive season, let me take this opportunity to share a few words with you all about the role Makara Sankranti plays all that it symbolizes in our lives.

Sankranti, also known as Makar Sankranti, is a Hindu festival that marks the transition of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn). It usually takes place around January 14th every year. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and varies in name and traditions across different regions of India. Here are some key aspects of the significance, symbolism, and traditions associated with Sankranti:

Solar Transition and Harvest Festival:

Sankranti is primarily a solar event that marks the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer days. It is also considered a harvest festival in many parts of India, as it signifies the time when crops like sugarcane, sesame, and pulses are harvested.

Symbolism of Sun and Light:

The movement of the Sun into the northern hemisphere is associated with the triumph of light over darkness, symbolizing knowledge, wisdom, and the dispelling of ignorance.The festival represents the gradual increase in daylight and the promise of warmer days ahead.

Traditional Rituals and Customs:

People take ritual baths in rivers, especially in the Holy Rivers, and offer prayers to the Sun god during this time.

Flying kites is a popular tradition during Sankranti, symbolizing the breaking free from the darkness of ignorance into the bright light of knowledge.

Bonfires and Community Celebrations:

In some regions, Bhogi Mantalu, bonfires are lit on the eve of Sankranti, symbolizing the end of the winter season and the onset of longer days.

Community gatherings, cultural programs, and feasts are common during the festival, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness.

Special Foods:

Special dishes are prepared using newly harvested crops. In many places, sesame seeds and jaggery are used to make sweets like tilgul (sesame and jaggery laddoos). Pongal, a dish made with newly harvested rice, is a popular delicacy in South India during this festival.

Regional Variations:

Sankranti is celebrated under different names such as Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Uttarayan in Gujarat, Lohri in Punjab, and Magh Bihu in Assam.The traditions and customs associated with Sankranti can vary across regions, reflecting the diversity of Indian culture.

Cattle Worship:

In some rural areas, cattle are adorned with colorful accessories and worshiped during Sankranti as they play a crucial role in agriculture.

Charity and Good Deeds:

The festival emphasizes the importance of charity and helping those in need. Many people donate food, clothing, and other essentials to the less fortunate.

In summary, Sankranti holds cultural, agricultural, and spiritual significance in India. It is a time for rejoicing, gratitude, and the renewal of life as nature begins to bloom after the winter season.

Here are my greetings for you all and blessings for all the children.

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Imagination is the spark that ignites the fire of creativity

Rangoli making is all about showing artistic creativity by using beautiful colours. It is a way to express imagination. Keeping this in mind, an Inter – house Rangoli making competition was organized for classes VI to X in Greenwood High School, Hunter Road. 

The competition aimed at honing aesthetic skills, creativity and innovation of the young modernites.

Students from all the four houses participated earnestly and with enthusiasm . The theme of the competition was *‘Anti War and Peace’*. 

Children put in lots of efforts and came up with amazing ideas. The students enthusiastically participated by showcasing their skills.

This activity was an example of collaborative learning in which our teachers gave ideas and inspired the students to work in groups and foster team spirit. 

The judgement depended on the selection of the design, neatness, clarity and colour combinations and creativity by the students to make their designs more presentable.

Each Rangoli was unique in its own way and the judges were in a dilemma to choose the ones that were better than the best .

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Greenwood High School’s Educational Trip for Nursery, LKG & UKG.

Greenwood High School, Gopalpur,
were taken for a visits to “Places of Worship ” in the neighbourhood.
Here’s a glimpse of their exciting journey:

  • Gurudwara :
    The first stop on the itinerary was the serene Gurudwara. Students experienced the peaceful ambiance, learned about Sikh traditions, and were treated to the warm hospitality of the Sikh community. The visit provided a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange and understanding.
  • Church:
    The students witnessed the beauty of Christian religious practices, admired the architecture, and engaged in conversations with the church staff. The visit encouraged an open dialogue about different faiths and the importance of tolerance.
  • Masjid:
    The educational journey continued with a visit to the masjid in Chowrastha. Students gained insights into Islamic practices and observed the architectural beauty of the mosque.

  • Thousand Pillar Temple :
    A historical and architectural marvel awaited the students at the Thousand Pillar Temple. Exploring the intricate carvings and learning about the temple’s rich history added a cultural dimension to the trip. The teachers shared information on the site they were going to visit. They were also taught to love and respect every religion.The students were very inquisitive and their inquitiveness was satisfied when they actually visited these religious places.
  • Z00 PARK (Vana Vigyan) Hunter Road:
    The final destination was the vibrant Z00 PARK, also known as Vana Vigyan, at the Hunter Road. Students immersed themselves in nature, discovering various plant species and learning about environmental conservation. The park visit aimed to instill a sense of responsibility towards the environment from a young age and had enjoyed lunch together.

This educational trip not only broadened the students’ horizons Greenwood School remains committed to providing holistic learning experiences that go beyond the classroom, and the perspective of students were enhanced when they actually visited these places of worship to understand that God is one.

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Diwali Celebration at Greenwood High School, Gopalpur : A Joyous Experience

11/11/2023, SAT

#diwali 2023 #Greenwood high school #hanumakonda

The Diwali celebration at Greenwood High School, Gopalpur, was nothing short of magical, leaving everyone in attendance with cherished memories and a heart full of joy.

The event unfolded with a beautiful ceremony of offering flowers and lighting the Diya, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

The ambiance was set aglow as the entire school community came together for a moment of prayer, seeking blessings for a harmonious and prosperous Diwali.

Info :

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The welcome address by Mrs. Kavita Chawla, The Principal resonated with warmth, setting the perfect tone for the festivities that followed.

The highlight of the celebration was undoubtedly the Fancy Dress Competition for the pre-primary students.

The little ones, adorned in adorable costumes, stole the hearts of the audience, creating an atmosphere filled with laughter and admiration.

The dance performances by Grade 1 & 2, as well as Grade 6 & 7, showcased the incredible talent and enthusiasm of the students.

Each choreographed routine was a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by both students and teachers.

The skit that followed brought humor and insightful messages, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained.

The entire experience was not just a celebration of a festival; it was a collective expression of unity, talent, and the spirit of Diwali.

In retrospect, the Diwali celebration at Greenwood High School was more than an event; it was an experience that brought the school community together in a tapestry of colors, laughter, and shared joy.

It is these moments that create lasting bonds and make school life truly memorable.

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Oratory, the Power of Eloquent Speech

29/10/2023, Sun.

#founders’ pen @Greenwood group of schools

Oratory, the art of eloquent speech, has been a potent force shaping the course of history and inspiring masses. Throughout centuries, leaders have harnessed the power of words to ignite revolutions, foster unity, and drive change. Winston Churchill, the stalwart British Prime Minister, once said, “We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.” This sentiment underscores the significance of oratory in leadership.

Great orators like Martin Luther King Jr. and his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech exemplify the impact of persuasive rhetoric. His words, “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream,” resonated deeply, fuelling the civil rights movement in the United States. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi’s eloquence galvanized India’s fight for independence, his words echoing, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Historically, orators like Abraham Lincoln transformed nations with their speeches. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, with its timeless words, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” encapsulates the essence of democracy and inspired generations.

Abraham Lincoln

Oratory transcends time, as seen in the mesmerizing speeches of leaders like Nelson Mandela, whose words, “It always seems impossible until it is done,” inspired hope and reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa.

Nelson Mandela

Shakespeare exemplified the power of speech through the oratory power of his two immortal characters; Brutus and Antony in his epic drama, Julius Caesar.

Brutus and Antony in the epic drama, Julius Caesar

Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s noble words “To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality.” clearly show us the power of speech that inspires generations to come.

Pandit Jawaharlal’s energetic speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ is yet another example of oratory with a purpose.

In essence, oratory has a transformative power, capable of bridging divides, instilling hope, and driving societies toward progress. Through the ages, leaders have harnessed this art, proving that words, when wielded with eloquence and purpose, have the power to change the world.

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